Chapter 27- Bethany's POV

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As I finished up the last but of choreography Derek gave I caught him staring at me.

"Whatcha looking at, Hough?" I asked smirking.

"Oh just my beautiful girlfriend." He said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. My cheeks heated up.

I turned around and started to kiss him. Just as things were about to get heated Mark walked in.

"Oh, uh, hey Mark." Derek said awkwardly.

"Hey...Beth, Sadie wants to see you in our studio." He says.

"Okay. Be back in a sec." I say as I walk to Sadie's studio.

As I enter the room I see Sadie practicing their dance.

"Hey Sads." I say.

She stops and turns around,
"Oh, hey Beth."

"Mark said you needed me?" I asked.

"I never said that...ohhh! There probably having a private conversation. Let's go spy!" Said Sadie.

I giggled as she pulled me out of the room. We put our ears up against the door.

"Dude! How could you do that to her?" Mark said.

"Mark, I was caught up in the moment." Derek defended himself.

"I thought you loved her." Mark said in a disappointed tone. They were talking about me. Sadie looked at me with wide eyes.

"Sadie..we have to go in there!" I whisper-yell. She nods her head in agreement.

We walk in and I put my hands on my hips.

"Derek, talk." I say.

"Were you guys eavesdropping?!" Mark yells.

"Not the point, Derek?" Says Sadie.

"I-i uh, um.." He stutters.

"Okay, he accidentally kissed Cheryl. His most recent non-crazy girlfriend. He was helping her learn lines for a role and it just happened." Mark explained.

Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Beth-" Derek started.

"Save it Derek. We're over." I say as I run out of the room. I walk into the bathroom and slide down the wall, balling.

"Beth?" I hear Janel say.

"Yea?" I mange to get out.

All of a sudden Sadie, Janel, and Witney walk in the bathroom. They comfort me and we eventually leave. As I walk out into the parking lot I see Derek in his car head in his hands.

He looks up and sees me. He gets out of his car and starts walking up to me. I start to speed walk to my car but feel his hand pull me around.

"What?" I say slightly annoyed.

"Beth, please." He says.

"Derek, I have to go." I say.

I release from his grip and get in my car. I pass Derek standing there in shock. I can't believe I'm doing this.

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