Chapter 8- Bethany's POV

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I walked into the door Sadie pointed out to me and was shocked at who I saw when I walked.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked confused. It was Nina.

"I knew about Derek's little scavenger hunt for you." She went on, "So, I decided to make a little cameo." She smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked getting nervous.

"What I want is for you to stay away from Derek." She said walking towards me.

"Yeah, well what if I don't want to." I snapped back.

"Well, it you don't, then I'll just have to lie to Derek." She said still smirking.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When we were together, it was very easy for me to lie to him. That won't change. I'll just have to tell him about you kissing Mark." She said.

"But I've never kissed Mark!" I yelled in defense.

"I told you, I'm a very good liar." She replied.

"Now you can either stay away from Derek, or hurt him. Your choice. Oh, and you know what Photoshop is these days. I can just work some of my magic and bam, your done with him." She said.

"Fine, just don't hurt him." I said tears streaming down my face. I ran out of the room and got in my car. Once I got home I flopped down on my bed and cried. For a long time.
Derek's POV-
I waited for Bethany for an hour. I realized she wasn't coming. I packed up the picnic thinking the only reason she didn't come was because she was still mad at me. I drove to my apartment and sat on the couch.

"Hey dude, how'd it go with you and Beth?" He questioned.

"She didn't show up." I replied staring at the blank TV screen.

"What! I made sure she got the note!" He said.

"I don't know what happened dude. I thought this for sure was gonna work." I sighed.

"Why don't you call her?" He suggested.

"I'll try," I picked up my phone and dialed Beth's number. Great, no answer.

"No answer, she must be avoiding me." I thought.

"You'll get her back, I know you will." Mark tried to calm me down.

I sure hope I do.

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