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Tessa PoV:
Why am I bleeding I know the midwife said there could be blood but .... this much. Hardin comes running in a crying emery in his arms.
"Tess what....." his eyes glance down
"Hardin I'm scared .... I ..I ..... I don't know why." I stutter quickly.
"I'm gonna call the midwife now" he says urgently rocking emery back to sleep.

Hardin PoV:
Why .... why is she bleeding I fucking knew something was up , her being in all that pain I'm shut a bullshit person I couldn't even help her or prevent this . Em stops crying and is a sleep again .... I dial the quickest I ever have and am greeted by the fucking automated voice it's fucking annoying and stressing me out .... I need to stay calm for her and emery it's the only thing I can do right now. After pressing all the buttons I fucking need to I'm finally put through to the midwife
"Hello how can I help"
"It's Tessa...Theresa young-Scott she's bleeding really bad and I fucking don't know what to do ...." she cuts me off
"Okay ...." I hear her typing "Scott.... yup I got all her details up hand me to her please"
I rush up the stairs mindful of emery to find tess still sat. I hand her the phone and she starts talking.
"Mmm ..... Yh ...... no it's just happens this morning...... okay" tess scratches the back of her head. I'm nervous as fuck trying to focus between my girls.
"Thank you ..... I understand..... see you then" she ends the call and sighs....

Tessa PoV:
"it's normal to bleed after birth it varies between women and can last up to a month a bit like a period." The midwife informs me after I tell her what happened she also tells me that she will check me over as it could also be my stitches and if I have any questions or more discomfort to call her.

I get off the phone and sigh of relief Hardin still pale with a pure look of worry on his face. I inform him what she said.
"So basically it happens to most women after birth a bit like a period but it last about a month..... she's concerned it could be my stitches so she will check them over tomorrow she has an appointment for us at 2" I feel like I could cry if relief and annoyance that I have basically my stupid period for a MONTH .... why me .... why anyone in general. But at the same time we did get something incredible a beautiful baby it's bitter but really really sweet.
"Thank god.... I mean it's still a shit situation but atleast it's 'normal' I suppose"

He's right I tell him I'm gonna freshen up and he shuts the door I hear the front door open before voices downstairs.... in all that drama I forgot trish was staying with us. I wash my hands and head downstairs greeted by a hug from trish. "Tessa I just popped out Hardin filled me in ... I went through the same thing after having him it freaked me out but it's okay strange how it's not a common know fact after having a baby" I thank her and sit with emery in my arms only focusing on her Hardin sits next to me hugging me telling me how worried he was before finishing his words with a kiss to my head .... it's the small things.

Trish kindly brings me a cup of coffee decaf of course. God I miss and want caffeine but it's a lot of effort with breastfeeding. Eventful.... the only words I can describe the last couple of hours but atleast it's only looking better from here.... my world.

Hey I'm back sorry this is shorter then expected ..... hope you enjoyed this .... anyone else no longer feeling broody knowing this is TRUE !! 😭😭😱😱 only up from hear so look out !!! Sending love to you all thank you for 12k again honestly crazy I cannot believe it 😭🤩💗😱🥺Xxxxx

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