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The car ride was silent as we both didn’t say anything. I still can't believe that Namjoon would commit suicide. What can even be the reason? The fight with Jungkook can't be that big of a reason for someone like Namjoon to commit suicide. Was there any family problem? I don't even know much about his family.

I kept thinking about all that now that I was more calm. I was lost in my thoughts when Jungkook started speaking.

"Let's stop at a cafe and get you something to eat. Your mood might change after eating" he said stopping his car as I looked outside to find my favourite cafe. I smiled remembering all the memories from here.

When me and Jungkook were younger and still friends we used to come here a lot to hang out. Me and Namjoon also came here when he confessed.

Those memories bought tears in my eyes again. Jungkook opened the door of the cafe and took me inside.

"Stay here. I'll order for you okay" he said and I just nodded. For some reason he was behaving like the Jungkook he once was not the one that he became when he threatened me to marry him.

I kept looking at my hands that were on my laps when Jungkook came.

"Hot chocolate and red velvet cake for you. This will lighten your mood" he said as he took a seat in front of me. He was suddenly so caring that or once I wanted to forget about everything and be friends again just like before.

"Jungkook" I called him and he looked at me.

"What changed you? Why do you behave like that with me?" I asked him to divert my mind from Namjoon as I take a sip of the hot chocolate but my question visibly makes Jungkook tensed.

"I still am how I always was. Nothing has changed" he said looking somewhere else while saying that in a serious tone.

"No you are not. You were so nice to me. You were my friend then what changed between us that you behave like that with me and became so possessive over me" I asked and he glared at me before saying.

"Nothing ever changed. I was like this always. Just you didn’t notice before" he said gritting his teeth which was confusing me. What did I say to anger him?


After that conversation we were again silent as he dropped me off at home from school.

"I heard a student from your school died. Did you know him?" mom asked me as I was heading too my room.

"Yes. I knew him" I said looking down fidgeting in my spot. I was getting sad again that I remember abou Namjoon again.

"Oh,don't be sad baby It's okay" mom said giving me a much needed warm hug.

I hugged her back and after a few moments she let me go and I went straight to my room as I was not feeling well after all that has happened.


One month

It's been one whole month since Namjoon committed suicide. I tried asking the principal about Namjoon's family or where his funeral was held so if I could just attend it but they said it is confidential as his family didn’t want to tell anyone about themselves or about Namjoon's death or anything. 

It made me suspicious but It's their son who is dead so what bad would they want for him. I couldn’t even say my last goodbye to him.

Everyone's life became normal again. Mostly people forget about him now.

And about Jungkook he has to stay with his father more because he was going to takeover his company so he didn’t have much time to attend school.

Our final exams are going to start soon so I have also been busy lately and the fact that Jungkook is not bothering me with his behaviour anymore is a relief.

It also is dreadful for me that after the exams we are going to get married. He is so weird. One moment he is so possessive and everything and one moment he is calm and caring.

With a heavy sigh I continue with my day as I reach my classroom.



Office,meetings,business everything seemed boring and dull to me. I couldn’t even be with Y/n, I couldn’t even contact her because I was always  with dad. He told me it is essential for me to be here before I take over his company but It's very tiring for me and the fact that I can't even see or talk to her is more than tiring to me.

I heaved a sigh as I remember my last interaction with her. I didn’t want to behave like that with her. I wanted to lighten her mood that day. I didn’t want her to cry for someone else other than me. I didn’t even want her to ever cry for any reason. I would never let her cy and whoever makes her cry will pay but it's also true that I was the reason behind her crying but I had to kill Namjoon or he would've created problems between us which I don't want.

After what she asked me I couldn’t stop myself from behaving that way. I didn’t like that question at all. I was always in love with her I never thought of her as just my friend. She was always different and special to me but when I started showing her my love she had to have a problem with that.

What did I even do wrong? I just loved her and wanted no harm on her or our relationship and now that she is my fiancee and soon to be wife I should be protecting her from everything and everyone. So that's what I did and am doing now then why did she have to ask me that question.

I closed my eyes as I laid on my office desk with my hands folded under my head as I thought of Y/n. This is the only time I can think about her before the meeting starts. I smiled thinking about her smiling face.

"I will protect you from any harm and no one can even dare to come between our relationship once we Officially become one. I told you you were mine love"


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