~ Part 4 ~

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I changed the end of part 3 slightly as I had another idea! Anyway Enjoy! ❤️ 13/9/20

* Hermione's POV *
Out of no where Ron lunged forward at the small, blonde boy. When Harry jumped in front of Ron letting out strong growls with every step, forcing Ron to the wall whimpering. I made sure to stand in front of the beautiful girl, in case Ron got any more idiotic ideas.

* Draco's POV *
I could hear my friends telling me I was insane and to turn around but I didn't care. The ginger wolf eyed me, making me increasingly more nervous, I continued to slowly walk forward when he lunged. I'm so dead. I scrunched my eyes tight and I couldn't stop shaking. But I felt nothing I opened my eyes to see that the alpha of the pack, Harry, had jumped in front of the wolf and forced him back into a corner, whilst twitching and growling.

I realised that the wolf was still in pain, I looked around the room trying to figure out what it was when I turn my attention back to the pack and see the collars.

"Father, the collars that's what's causing them pain and causing them to lash out"

* Pansy's POV *
THAT BRAINLESS ASSHOLE LEFT US, NO LOCKED US IN A ROOM WITH THE COUNTRIES MOST DANGEROUS WOLF PACK!!!!! I was obviously freaking out when Dray decides that it's an amazing idea to walk towards the alpha of the pack who is in pain, causing the pack to be on high alert.

"Draco get back here NOW, I swear if he doesn't kill us I WILL KILL YOU", I yelled. "There dangerous!"

"Yes, but not to us", He said turning his head towards me as he continued to get closer."Wolves protect the pack if I'm not a threat, I should be able to help him"

"SO THEY ARE JUST GONNA KILL YOU!", Blaise screamed. I sighed Blaise really was an idiot. I elbowed him and whispered "yelling will only make them defensive and angry".

* Harry's POV *
I lept I front of Ron ,ignoring the growing pain radiating from the collar, making him back down I push him into the corner and make sure he knows not to harm whats mine. I turned my gaze back to the blonde who always seemed to catch my eye. I gazed at him while taking in his features. He had pale skin that resembled porcelain and bright blonde hair that ruffled every time a breeze flew through the room. His figure was muscular although he was definitely smaller than me ( in human form at least, in wolf form I reached his shoulder) with beautiful storm grey eyes, as I looked back up he ran towards me and kneeled down with his clear, porcelain hand extending towards me. I caught his eyes but he looked down at the collar, I lowered my gaze to the floor and let out whimpering pains that I couldn't hold back anymore. My breathing becoming heavy.

I slowly stepped towards the boy, placing my head against his out stretched arm.

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