~ Part 14 ~

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* Draco's POV *
We walked to DADA but I could tell Harry was tense and on edge. I wonder what happened between him and Dumbledore, everyone said they were an unstoppable force, what happened? I'm going to ask when we're alone, he is more likely to tell me that way. We continued down the halls until we arrived outside DADA, I was having a bad day it soon turned into terrible. There outside the door of the classroom was non other than the weaslette honestly she's trying to get a hole group of guys to give her attention. How desperate.

"Baby!" She screamed into my ear and jumped onto Harry, even though he pushed her off I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Get it together! "We're not together anymore Ginny!" Harry replied which uplifted my mood slightly. "I'm your female alpha Harry you can't ignore me", "correction you were my female alpha until you cheated on me, besides I never loved you like I love someone else". He loved someone, no. I thought he liked me. Oh Merlin I thought I had a chance.

I zoned out to the yelling eventually she gave up and we all walked into class, but there was only one thing on my mind. He didn't love me, not like I love him....

* Pansy's POV *
This bitch honestly everyone knows she is a lying, manipulating bitch and yet she still tries to ruin MY ship. Who does she think she is! I listen to the backstabbing Barbie blabber on about this and that when I notice Draco is lost in his thoughts. Is she actually getting to him? OH HELL NO NOT MY FRIEND! "Oi reject barbie no one here wants anything to do with you! You're no longer in the pack so do everyone a favour and LEAVE!", she opened her mouth to speak but soon closed it when I sent her an ice cold stare. Honestly I would have killed her right here and now.

* Harry's POV *
When we arrived back at the dorms, I pulled Draco away from the others, I noticed his mood change and he hasn't been the same since so I want to make sure he's okay. We walked up the stairs to the dorms and I locked the door.
"Dray, you know you can tell me anything right?", I sat on the bed next to him and held one of his hands while looking into his eyes. "Yeah I know I'm fine though what's wrong?". "I noticed when you felt down after dealing with Ginny and I wanted to make sure your okay", I replied and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb, he pulled his hand away and looked everywhere but me. Then I knew it was something I had said and my heart sunk, what did I say that could have hurt him? I tried to remember the conversation and what I said, then it hit me I said I liked 'someone' not that I liked 'draco'. I smirked at my self and turned to him.

"I think I know what happened", I whispered as I brought my head closer to his. I rested my forehead against his "I said I liked someone but I didn't say that I liked you" he looked up at me and smiled, I felt his face heat up as I inched closer. He moved his head up slightly and I slowly lead my lips to his, we kissed slowly is was short and loving. When I pulled away he smiled and then giggled, "Your a tomato you know" he said and we both exploded with laughter.

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