~ Part 28 ~

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* Narcissa's POV *
I was sat at the breakfast table with Lucius on my left, Bella on my right, Severus next to Lucius, Sirius next to Bella and room for Remus next to him. Half the table was filled and we were waiting on the younger members, Remus went to fetch them but returned with a strange expression.

"What's wrong Remus?" I asked before he shook his head. "I'm never waking those hormonal teenagers ever again". I chuckled by that look I can guess what he walked into. Finally the stairs creaked and the hole pack arrived, I smirked at the looks. Harry looked smug and my dragon looked embarrassed he tried to hide the marks on his neck. Pansy looked very smug while Hermione couldn't stop smiling and Ron looked content while staring at a blushing Blaise.

I looked to my left and saw Lucius glaring at Harry with Draco on his lap, I slapped him around the back of the head and he looked down. Honestly what's his issue?

* Lucius's POV *
Remus came rushing in like a mad man. "What's wrong Remus?" Narcissa asked to which he replied "I'm never waking those hormonal teenagers ever again". I snigger a little but cover it up with a cough, the stairs creaked and in walked the teens, some proud some embarrassed.

I looked over at my heir only to see his neck covered in marks and Potter looking just as arrogant as his father. I'll admit I don't know much about the boy but if he is anything like his father, he isn't good enough for my son. I must have glared for too long because I got a swift smack to the back of my head from my loving wife.

No matter, this last test will prove how much like his father he really is. With my lords help as well as the Parkinsons and the Zambinis we have decided to test the new suitors. After all they have to be able to protect our children. What better way than to face the Bulgarian wolf pack and Karkaroff had been all too willing to test his trainees. If Potter passes I'll give him a chance, if he survives, 10 on 3 shouldn't be too hard. I smirk to myself and continue eating / waiting for them to arrive.

* Draco's POV *
I'm so embarrassed but I did notice I'm not the only one. I smirk as I look at Blaise and Hermione who just blush and smile, I hold back a laugh and sit down when Harry pulls me to his lap to eat. I smile and grab some pancakes, but I'm slightly unnerved with my fathers expression, he's plotting something and with that smirk it cannot be good.

We eat breakfast and chat but after a while I notice father staring at the door, I look at mother who doesn't seem to notice when I hear a loud bang which makes father smile. This isn't good. Harry's arms tightened around my waist and he looked over to Ron and Hermione, at once all 3 had glowing eyes and there claws and fangs out.

I stood up behind Harry when the doors opened revealing the Bulgarian pack, they had visited the manor before in dark meetings. Clearly some of our pack had also met them since viktor krum, their alpha, set eyes on Harry and tried to lunge at him before being stopped by Karkaroff. What was most surprising was the fact that the pack was followed by Blaises mum and dad as well as Pansy's mum and dad.

"Lucius, I believe you, the Zambini's and the Parkinson's wanted a match, 10 vs 3 yes?". WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME KILL YOU! I turn to my dad who has a proud look on his face while my mother looks like she is going to commit a murder. "HE IS DOING NO SUCH THING!" I scream before Lucius points his wand at me and I'm suddenly in my room but it's sealed with wards. He's gonna die. No. I start tearing up and Pansy and Blaise appear in front of me, "what happened?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"There fighting for us, 10 of Viktor's pack vs 3 of them! If they win our parents are going to back off and let us be with them, if they loose their dead. Apparently Viktor blames Harry for taking Hermione away from their abusive relationship years ago", Pansy said before breaking down.

*Harry's POV*
Draco was apperated away. I glare at Lucius before turning back to my pack they smirk and nod. "We accept". "You will be mine again Hermione", Viktor laughed before choosing his pack members, all 10 looked at us ready. Pansy and Blaise were apperated away and we were apperated to a field.

"You know the last time I faced the Devil wolves, I made it out and built a pack I knew was stronger. Now it's time to prove it", Viktor mocked from the other side of the field. Now there was a name I hadn't heard in years, I smirked and turned to my pack. "Hermione you take the 3 on the left in your devil wolf form, Ron the same on the right and I'll take the 3 in the middle plus Viktor. My claws have a few tips for him".

Beta Devil wolf form :

Alpha Devil wolf form:

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Alpha Devil wolf form:

Alpha Devil wolf form:

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