~ Part 11 ~

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I want to thank everyone who is reading the story. Thank you so much for 1k reads it means a lot, I honestly didn't think anyone would actually want to read my story so thank you and enjoy the next part! ❤️

* No one's POV  / Over view *
During dinner everyone was laughing and enjoying the food. They were all in aware of the glaring gaze coming from the Gryffindor table. A certain red head had an increasing look of fury as Harry kept a protective arm around a very red blonde. Then when dessert appeared on the tables, Harry pulled Draco into his lap as he was fed ice cream, safe to say he was a tomato by now, but with Harry's reputation for protectiveness no one questioned them.

* Ginny's POV *
I watched as Harry walked into the great hall with the snake, he was in wolf form and had that stupid dog tag around his neck. (Picture above, with the inscription 'his wolf' below it). God he gets on my nerves! I mean seriously what does he see in him? He is nothing but a slimy snake! Soon enough Harry's name was called up, he turned into his human form. GOD HE WAS HOT! He has definitely grown more muscle since I last saw him. He was wearing a while shirt with the top buttons undone showing some muscle, the shirt outlined him perfectly and was paired with black skinny jeans. All eyes were on him and he looked good. I looked over to the ferret who was seething at everyone who was looking, I smirked and continued to admire. God I need him to be mine!

I mean how hard can it be he liked me once, I was his first female alpha mate! I know he still loves me that ferret has him under a spell! The only issue is my dearest brother and the know it all, they protect the pack if I went after Harry and Draco they would get in the way. Oh well I just have to find out how many are in the pack and slip something special into there morning drinks. I smiled to my self and looked as Harry walked over to the Slytherin table. Easy now all I have to do is convince the hat to put me in Slythe- OMG WHAT! HE KISSED HIM! okay okay calm Ginny it wasn't on the lips your fine. Focus we have a hat to convince.

I walked up to the sorting hat and the old rag was placed on my head. Ew. 'Miss Weasley, mmmm you don't belong in Hufflepuff that's for sure, Not quite smart enough for Ravenclaw' rude who does this rag think he is to judge me! 'interesting you definitely are sneaking and sly but you lack the ambition for Slytherin house' WHAT no I need you to put me in Slytherin! I DEMAND YOU TO, ' I think you would more be suited to......' "GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yelled before I could argue more, the hat was taken off my head. I walked over to the red table and sat at the end Glaring at the ferret who was getting wayyy to comfortable sat on MY Harry!

* Harry's POV *
I watched as Ginnys attempts to argue with the hat obviously failed, you could tell easily from the sour look on her face. I chuckled to my self and turned back to Draco and the pack, he looked so cute as he nibbled on a chip and listened to Hermione and Pansy arguing about what the best book was. Then he let out a small giggle and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I looked away and tried to stop blushing when I noticed a stare coming from the Gryffindor table. Of course it was Ginny, that girl really couldn't take a hint. So I decided to give her a bigger one. I wrapped my arm around Drays waist and he blushed adorably, he looked up to me and said "as much as I love that weaslette is only gonna glare longer". "Let her, your adorable when you blush".

After we finished dinner, dessert was served. I constantly felt weird as Ginny continued to stare, I wanted Draco closer I felt calmer when he was around and it might just stop me from yelling or killing Ginny. "What would you like for dessert love?" I whispered in his ear. He blushed and hid his face for a second before reaching for some ice cream. I smiled and gently pulled him into my lap as I fed him a spoon full of my vanilla, he ate it and fed me some chocolate ice cream that he had. I smiled at the cute face he was making and ate the ice cream.

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