~ Part 16 ~

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Thank you for all the support! Thank you to AnoukiWiklauri who gave me some ideas for the book! ❤️❤️

* Harry's POV *
Draco, Pansy and Blaise were pinned to the wall. I saw red I looked to who wad there wands out it was Ginny, Lavender and Penny. I signalled to Ron and Hermione and we all leaped onto one of them. While in the air we turned to they were faced with 3 very angry werewolves who were baring their teeth. The spells concentration was Brocken and the rest of the pack dropped to the floor. The teachers told everyone to back away from us.

I towered over Ginny in my alpha form which looked like my wolf one but was twice as big and had red eyes. I growled and Ginny started snacking and crying. Good she knows her place, I told the rest of the pack to drop it and they transformed to go to their mates. I got of Ginny and growled so loudly it shook the castle and forced her to transform. This was one of the biggest regrets of my life, when I was with Ginny I turned her so she could be part of the pack probably since although humans can be in the pack werewolves are not taken to other wolves until they mate with a wolf with a wolf. Glad I didn't actually do it with her at least.

Even in her wolf form I towered over her, she let out whimpers as I turned back to half human, half wolf and yelled. "Ginny you attacked MY MATE and MY PACK, you are officially de-ranked from Omega to Loner. You are not and never will be part of MY PACK! Any more threats of harm towards MY PACK that comes from you will result in a punishment worse than death itself!".

With that I walked over to Dray and hugged him tight, while growling at a Slytherin who was too close, he instantly backed away".

* Draco's POV *
I was dropped to the floor with a thud. Once I checked everyone was okay I turned to Harry who was a huge wolf and looked ready to kill a smaller ginger wolf, who I guessed was Ginny. Harry turned human ish, he still had wolf ears, a tail and fangs, he began to yell ya Ginny. "Ginny you attacked MY MATE-", omg well if everyone didn't already know they do now. Still I feel warm when he says it. I missed what else Harry said but he turned to me and growled at Goyle who helped me up earlier, he backed away looking terrified as Harry hugged me tight.

"Are you okay love?", he whispered to me, I blushed and nodded. "One second", I told him as I escaped his grip and walked towards Ginny who was back to being human. I slapped her across the face and smiled "stay away from us". I turned to the pack and nodded towards the door, we all began walking when Dumbledore stopped us. "My office NOW", before we had time to argue we were apperated to his office where non other than Umbridge herself waited with a gleaming twinkle in her eye.

I was grabbed by a tall guy with a white mask on as was everyone except the 3 wolves who had there claws and fangs out. "calm down now or they face the consequences" umbridge said in a sickly sweet tone. They all returned to human but definitely weren't calm. "Now which is your pathetic mate" she continued while placing a dagger against Harry's neck. A wand was pointed at my neck "this one". Of course she was here Ginny. Ron and Hermione were placed in magical collars again while Harry was strapped to a chair by 10 wizards who nearly failed to pin him there.

I tried to move my hand slowly to my wand while umbridge walked closer to Harry. I managed to reach my want when she forced Harry's head back with a spell. Ginny saw and ran to Harry carrying a pink vile, I grabbed my wand and made a hard choice that could make Harry hate me. I pulled my sleeve up as the tall guy attempted to grab me, my wand touched the mark on my arm as he grabbed my wand. I looked over to Harry who had pink liquid on his lips and a smiling Ginny next to him.

2 black figures entered the room. "Hello dragon, need some help?" Mother smirked and stunned Dumbledore. Next to her was Bellatrix Lestrange my aunt laughing as she killed everyone holding us down. I grabbed my wand and fired 'crucio' at Ginny as she fired it at me the light connected. I pushed both spells towards her and she failed at trying to push them back, both hit her and she screamed while landing on the floor. I ran to Harry and untied him. He grabbed his wand and pointed it at Ron and Hermione who's collars broke allowing them to turn into wolves and run to there mates side. He turned to me with anger in his eyes. He lifted his wand to me and looked confused and angry.

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