~ Part 9 ~

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* Draco's POV *
We boarded the train with me, Pansy and Blaise still on the packs back. We walked past to an empty compartment, everyone looked shocked, jealous or scared of Harry and his pack. I just made sure to pet behind his ears which made him purr. It was adorable. We made it to an empty compartment and sat down. Harry and the pack stayed in wolf form and Harry cuddled up, his head resting on my lap. Through the ride I noticed people walking past our cabin and stopping to stare it was starting to make me uncomfortable. Just then the compartment door opened with a BANG! A ginger girl stood in the door, " HARRY! RON! HERMIONE!" all three wolves turned to humans. Ron and Hermione hugged the girl and Harry got up, hugging her awkwardly.

I had a strange feeling in my stomach when she hugged Harry longer than the rest, I must have made a face because Harry sat back down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled into his side and looked up at the girl. She glared at me and sat next to Harry.

"So what happened to you guys?" " What are you doing with a Malfoy, he's a slimy snake?" She asked looking disgusted. Harry growled and dropped his had from my shoulder to my waist. She then noticed the necklace around Harry's neck. "Harry, is the git forcing you to be his pet" she squealed pulling the tag closer to read it.

"No, I wanted to be his wolf Ginny" Harry said protectively, making me grin. "But when I asked you, you said you would never belong to anyone but yourself!" she yelled. I snorted. "I DON'T SEE WHATS SO FUNNY FERRET!" Ginny snapped making me flinch. Harry pulled me into his lap and whispered in my ear "it's okay cutie I won't let anything happen to you". I blushed and laid my head on his chest. "Ginny if your going to continue to insult my Draco you can leave" Harry said in an ice cold voice, warning Ginny, while running his hand through my hair.

"But Harry he clearly has you spelled or under a potion, everyone knows you love me right ?!"she squealed making my ears hurt. I winced and Harry replied "Ginny you had your chance and cheated, if you don't like the way things turned out, you have no one to blame but yourself ! Now I like Draco's cute butt so if you don't mind leave before I really get mad". I smirked at Ginny as she left and looked up at Harry. "So you like my cute butt huh?" He nodded and leaned in to his lips when Ron coughed "Still here you two". I blushed and hid my face in Harry's chest, while Harry mumbled to himself about killing Ron which made me giggle.

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