~ Part 33 ~

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*Draco's POV*

After a few days Harry was feeling better and could move around the Manor without much help. The more time I spent with him, the more I started to realise how much I loved him. The way his hair was always wild no matter how much he tried to contain it, his piercing green eyes that I seemed to always get lost in, the way his eyebrows slightly crease when he's concentrating on something and so many more little details that made me smile.

I did as much as I could three through out his healing process but that mostly consisted of me watching him sleep and talking to him when he woke up without leaving his side. In all honesty I was scared that if I did leave he would get worse and no matter how much I knew that it wouldn't happen the doubt kept creeping through.

Today was one of those days, as I am curled in my sleeping mates arms, I can't help but wonder what will happen when we have to return to Hogwarts in the morning. Mother and father already purchased all the equipment necessary so that I could spend more time with Harry. I haven't fully forgiven my father for what he did but I know I can't hate him forever and he is trying to be more accepting, especially because now at least he has no doubts of my safety.

I thought about what will happen when the weaselete once again trys to slide into Harry's life but one thing is for sure, I have only just gotten Harry back and I'm never letting him get hurt again. If that means killing an annoying pest so be it, I'm sure I'd have a few acomplasis to do so.

In an attempt to clear my head I looked back to Harry, but that didn't help in the way it usually did. I thought about us and I knew that he loved me as much as I did him. But with the wolf side of him more prominent, I'm scared sometimes, not of him I know that he would never hurt me. But I worry about others, such as the weasl who think they have a claim to what's mine just because they are werewolves. Why does it matter that I'm human? If he chose me, they shouldn't have any rights to claim but as I think about it more and more my brain begins to hurt. But what can be done about it? Nothing.


I'm snapped out of my thoughts instantly as Harry begins waking up, I smile as his nose scrunched and his eyes fluttered open. Remembering where he was he smiled and pulled me closer, smiling even more (if possible) I nuzzled my head into his neck and enjoyed the calming circles he as rubbing on my back without realising.

"How long have you been awake beautiful?", he asked which still made me blush no matter how mush I hear it.

"not long puppy", I replied while hugging closer to him. We sat like that for a while and had a fun day out with a picnic in the garden. I don't think that I could ever get tired of the company.

We sat for hours under the sun talking about this and that, but I never once got bored. After that we slowly walked through the gardens and admires the flowers although I caught him looking at me once or twice which definitely made no blush arise to my face.

After a long day we layed back down in bed and cuddled while making idle chatter. My mind drifted back to those thoughts though and Harry definitely noticed my mood change. "What's bothering you love?" I sighed and tried to think of ways to explain what I was feeling. "We go back to Hogwarts tomorrow and I just don't want anyone to take you from me, and I definitely don't want you to be anywhere near the weaslette", I held a breath in unknowingly as I waited for a reply. His hand settled under my chin and he lifted my chin to look him in the eyes. He looked serious which was good but nerveing as he began speaking "no one could ever take me from you, I have never felt this way about the weaslette or anyone else. I love you my dragon". I released the breath and smiled as he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, when I pulled away I couldn't help but smile and think of the next day when we returned to Hogwarts.

*Harry's POV*
After having an amazing last day, I woke up to the sound of people rushing around the Manor. I looked at the time quickly, and decided to wake up dray. I smiled while looking down on my beautiful mate, his features slightly twitching and moving to whatever dream he was watching. After everything, I would do it all again to be with him and I will do whatever it takes to make sure he is never hurt. I gently shake his shoulder and litter kisses all over his face until the biggest smile spreads across his face but is soon hidden by a blanket.

"No I don't want to get up", he wined and I just laughed while getting up. All of my things were packed the night before with the help of some house elevs the luggage was downstairs waiting for us. I pulled the blanket off dray and he reluctantly got up but only because he was cold.

Once we were dressed we walked down to join the others at the table for breakfast. I held drays hand and we walked into the room, we sat down and ate breakfast with light conversation from everyone. After we said goodbye to Sirius and Remus as they wouldn't be joining us to the platform. Draco, Pansy, Hermione, Blaise, Ron and me all held onto either Lucius or Narcissa as we apperated to the platform, when we arrived there was a few people around but luckily we managed to avoid the rushing of people by arriving early.

We set out to look for a compartment once saying our goodbyes to Narcissa and Lucius. Dray has been staying closer to me than usual, not that I mind, which makes me smile because I know how much he cares. We found a compartment and waited for the train to depart while chatting among ourselves. I saw my mate looking out of the window so I turned to se what he was staring, or more accurately glaring, at. My smile and mood dropped when I noticed the red heads yelling in the distance, with them came the thorn in my side who I wished would leave me alone. Before I really noticed, I looked away and back to dray who was still glaring. I chuckled and turned back to the conversation while allowing Draco to glare at the weasel.

After a little while the train began moving, everyone was smiling and laughing until, of course, it didn't last as the compartment door flew open.

*Draco's POV*
The compartment door flew open, with a bang and I rolled my eyes at the site. This bitch is really starting to piss me off, why can't she get her own life and her own mate and leave mine alone. Honesty no one wants her pug face anywhere near them.

She made a face of discust at everyone in the compartment and practically turned red with fury when she turned to see me sat in Harry's lap smirking. It felt good, she looked like she could explode and she definitely wanted to. She clenched her fists tight and plasters a fake smile across her face, i felt Harrys jest rise and fall quicker as he tried to hold on his laugher.

Once she calmed herself enough, although you could definitely see the anger, she turned to Harry. Of course. Bitch. "Harry, I need some help carrying my trunk to my compartment your so strong and I was wondering if you could help me?", she said while attempting to be seductive and bat her eyelashes more. "I'm so sorry but he's busy right now", I replied while looking her dead in the eye hoping she took the obvious bait.

"With what? He doesn't look busy at all!?", she said her fake smile cracking through, showing her anger. I smirked and turned to face Harry, I moved so that I straddled his waist and he placed his hands tightly on my hips, "He's busy with me, so you can go ask someone else or you can use your brain and cast a levitation spell if that's not to hard for you".

She stormed out of the compartment and I turned back to a smirking puppy. I blushed realising what I just did and tried to sit back in my seat when the hands around my waist tightened. I looked him straight in the eyes as he leaned in and kissed my lips hard, a soft moan escaped my lips which only made me blush more when a cough reminded us that we weren't alone.

I blush and lay my head in Harry's lap for the rest of the ride, slowly falling asleep while he ran his fingers through my hair.

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