~ Part 17 ~

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I wanted to say thank you to everyone reading! I cannot believe people like a story I wrote but thank you! I have been asked to include some of the other couples more in the story which I will do more in the next chapter, however I did make a start in this one! I also made this chapter slightly longer! Hope you enjoy! ❤️


* Draco's POV *
"Why", he said. "Why what Harry?" , "why is my head telling me I love you when I love Ginny". My breath hitched as everyone, who wasn't passed out or dead, looked towards us. Why would he love Ginny? He hated her this morning. "Because he gave you a love potion babe", Ginny piped up while slowly standing. Dammit I knew I should have killed her. "It's not true!" Hermione screamed, I smiled towards her as Harry flicked the wand at Ginny. "Then what happened?" He asked while lowering the wand.

I walked towards him and placed my hands on his cheeks, "Harry listen to me Ginny gave you a love potion, you're my mate", he grabbed my hands and put them down back at my sides. "How do I know your not lying?". Shit how can I prove it? Oh right! "Harry look we match, it was our bonded gift", I said and held up my necklace. He looked down at his and smiled. "He's lying babe you turned me and we are together just like we always wanted remember? I'm the female alpha of the pack". It took all I had not to kill her as she looked at me with her pug face and smiled. Bitch.

Harry looked towards me and winked. Wait what? He winked? "Your right baby" he said and turned to Ginny. She wore a fake expression until Harry got close enough and blush appeared on her cheeks,my heart dropped, maybe he didn't wink.... He moved closer to her and she leaned in as well, I couldn't believe it I was frozen. He was going to kiss her.

*Harrys POV*
This bitch AGAIN! I was knocked out of the love potions effects thanks to Dray and my inhuman werewolf healing, I winked at Draco to hopefully give him a sign I am alright. I turn to the trash and plastered on a fake smile. "Your right baby" I tried not to physically show my grimace and walked over to her so I was right next to her. She blushed and I leaned in. She leaned in and pouted her lips. Ew. Once she closed her eyes I smiled and walked back over to Dray, she was still moving forward with her lips pouted and her eyes closed.

I looked at Draco who was smiling widely and trying not to laugh as he turned her hair green, I smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist. She finally fell straight to the floor, her head smashing into the concrete floor when Draco burst and laughed loudly. She ran out of the room while turning red and crying, I would feel bad if she wasn't such a bitch. Just then I realised Draco had called Narcissa and Bellatrix without a spell, I turned to him and decided to ask.

"How did you call them without a spell Dray?", his face dropped and his face turned as white as a ghost's. "W-What are you talking about?" He managed to stutter out, I knew he knew. "Dray tell me please", he began shaking as I hugged him. "I can't you will l-leave m-me, you will h-hate me", i hugged tighter and kissed his forehead. "Draco I could never hate you, I lov-", I was cut of by a loud bang. Narcissa grabbed Draco and I growled as Bellatrix grabbed me and apperated us away.

*Pansy's POV *
Okay wtf is happening I was grabbed as soon as my eyes focused I noticed a tall ugly ass man in a white mask had my hands held behind my back. I looked up and saw Harry, Ron and my Hermione back to back in a circle with their claws and fangs out. They were angry and about to attack when umbitch decided to speak "calm down now or they face the consequences" umbridge said in a sickly sweet tone. They all returned to human but definitely weren't calm.

"Now which is your pathetic mate" she continued while placing a dagger against Harry's neck. A wand was placed at my neck and my beautiful Hermione growled scaring the white masked freak who's hand shook as he held the wand. He continued when pinkie shook her head. A wand was blacked at Blaise and Ron roared louder than Hermione's growl, the wand testing git was trying to hold back tears. A wand was pointed at Draco's neck and Harry's fangs and claws shot out of there place as his eyes burned blood red "that one" came an all to familiar voice. Of course she was here Ginny.

Ron and Hermione were placed in magical collars again while Harry was strapped to a chair by 10 wizards who were shaking uncontrollably, nearly failed to pin him there. But Umbitch and Dumbledick had my baby Hermione knelt on the floor with an electric collar just like Ron and they were going to regret it. I tried kicking the guy who held my arms behind my back, I was about to bite his arm when I noticed Draco moving to his wand I smiled and looked back to the scene. Why did Dumbledick an dumbitch want our pack? As if the situation couldn't get worse the train wreck that is Ginny walked towards Harry with a pink vile. Shit i knew exactly what that was but Harry is a werewolf? If she wasn't so stupid she would know that werewolves have faster healing that witches, wizards and muggles. If she wanted to give him a love potion it would need to be the stronger one which was red. God she can't even poison someone correctly.

Ginny began running I wondered why until I noticed Draco reached his wand. I had no idea what his plan was since even with his wand we were outnumbered easily. I saw him lift his sleeve and I hoped Harry would understand, maybe now he knows what Dumbledick is really like he will understand. Let's hope the dark lord also is forgiving. Another masked idiot attempted to stop Draco but it was too late Draco had already called someone. Ginny has managed to get to Harry and force a vile down his neck despite the fact he tried to bite her.

2 black figures entered the room. "Hello dragon, need some help?" Narcissa smirked and stunned Dumbledore. Next to her was Bellatrix laughing live always as she killed everyone holding us down. I ignored everyone and grabbed my wand sprinting to Hermione. Before I got to her Harry was up and fired a spell at her and Ron, I trusted Harry and didn't panic, it took a second but the collars broke and Hermione ran to me.

I hugged her tight and she turned into a wolf as we attacked everyone who had been against us. My first target was the asshole who had the collars. "Sectusempra" I shot as he fell on the floor I smiled as Hermione ripped his arm off like a chew toy. God she was hot. After a while everyone was pretty much dead or knocked out but I heard someone yelling and then turned to the commotion.

Harry had his wand pointed at Draco with glazed over eyes. Shit the potion hadn't worn off yet. He looked confused and angry when Ginny jumped in spewing her lies. This continued and Draco seemed to be getting somewhat closer to convincing Harry when the bitch said, "Because he gave you a love potion babe". I swear if I wasn't already imagining ways to kill her I definitely was now, just as I was about to swing at her Hermione held my hand and spoke. Her voice was strained from the shock collar which made me mad until i heard "It's not true!". I smiled and looked back at Harry to see his reaction.

He might have confused feelings towards who he loves right now but he has been friends with Hermione for years not to mention his alpha instinct which will tell him to listen to his betas. He flicked his wand to Ginny. After the argument of the century I saw Harry's eyes unglaze. Hermione saw as well since she opened her eyes winder and smirked a little. It was adorable and I definitely zoned out for a while, who wouldn't she really is an angel.

When I pulled myself out of some heated thoughts Harry walked over to Draco as Ginny was attempting to kiss air with her eyes closed. I held back laughter as her turned green, definitely glad I taught Draco that spell, but when she dropped to the floor with a smack I burst out laughing right after Draco. Soon everyone was in stitches laughing. I had completely forgot about the adults in the room but soon remembered when an angry Harry and worried Draco were appeared away.

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