~ Part 15 ~

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait on this update but I hope you enjoy! This part is longer so I give you part 15! ❤️


* Draco's POV *
Fine maybe I was a bit jealous, who could he like anyway it can't be anyone in the pack since there all mates, like I was hoping we could have been. We arrived at the dorms and he pulled me away, he dragged me up the stairs and then locked the door. I panicked slightly. "Dray, you know you can tell me anything right?", he said as he sat next to me on the bed and grabbed my hand. I obviously couldn't tell him it was because I had a huge crush on him and every time I thought of him loving someone else it made me want to throw up. "Yeah I know I'm fine though what's wrong?", he didn't look like he believed me. "I noticed when you felt down after dealing with Ginny and I wanted to make sure your okay", he replied and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb, it was making my heart flutter so I pulled my hand away and looked everywhere but his eyes. I glanced at him and he looked sad until he smirked which made me panic again. What idea has he got now?

"I think I know what happened", he whispered and brought his head closer to my face making my face heat up. He rested his forehead against mine, I felt an electric shock like feeling where we touched. "I said I liked someone but I didn't say that I liked you", WHAT omg OMG I looked up at him and smiled. My face definitely blushed red as he inched closer to me. I moved my head up slightly and he slowly lead his lips to mine, we kissed slowly and I melted under his touch. When he pulled away I smiled and then giggled I couldn't help it I have never seen him blush this much, "Your a tomato you know" I said and we both exploded with laughter.

When we had calmed down I couldn't help but grin. I mean the Harry Potter, you know survivor of the killing curse and the one described as untameable, yeah that Harry Potter liked me and just kissed me! Omg I sound like a school girl. Pfft like I care he likes me!! "Dray?", and just like that I'm back on Earth. "Yeah", I could tell he was nervous. Did he not like me anymore did I do something? "I wanted to ask you something for a while now but I have always backed out", he said and continued " Dray you're amazing and stunning and you can always calm me down while cheering me up at the same time. I have never met anyone as special and as talented as you". Okay well there goes the butterfly's again my face felt like lava. "Dray will you do me the honour of being my mate?", I can't breathe omg okay calm. "Werewolves only mate once though are you sure you want me?" ( Werewolves choose a mate, if that mate breaks up with them or dies the werewolf doesn't mate again ever ). "I'm sure your beautiful and smart and everyone should treat you like royalty, will you let me?", I smiled and kissed him. "Of course I will!".

I smiled as he revealed a dog tag necklace just like the one I gave him, except this one had the inscription 'His World' on it. "Now we match and everyone will know", he said and leant forward to fasten the necklace around my neck.

- Time Skip -

Me and Harry spent all day in the dorms talking, laughing and my favourite kissing. When it was time for dinner I really didn't want to leave but my stomach betrayed be and we walked slowly down to the great hall. Harry took my hand and smiled as we opened the doors, the hall fell silent as we walked down the centre of the hall. I heard whispers that were wayyy more fun than last time.

"Are they dating?"
"They have been gone all day?"
Do you think they were together all day?"
"Not fair he should be mine!"
"What's he doing with a snake?"
"They do make a cute couple!" ( - Luna )
"Omg they have matching necklaces!"
"No way!"

I smiled a little smugly, okay a lot. I wrapped my hands around Harry's bicep and rested my head on his arm as we walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. There was a very exited looking Hermione sat next to a smug Pansy who was blushing, a smiling Ron who high fived Harry and was sat next to a giggling Blaise. "Hey guys where have you been?" Pansy asked while she wiggles her eyebrows, but before I could answer Hermione bombarded questions at us. "Is it true?" "Are you guys dating?" "Have you asked him to be your mate?" "Omg are those matching?". I had lost track of what she was asking when Harry answered for us thankfully.

"Hermione relax. We have been in the dorms all day Pansy. Hermione it is true we are dating, I did ask him to be my mate and he said yes. These are matching now can you try to calm down", everyone laughed as Hermione nodded very quickly. This was going to be the best year of my life!
But of course never a dull moment when your Harry's mate. Ginny and a bunch of very envious girls stomped over to our table. I smiled as Harry whispered to me "this should be fun".

"HARRY!" She shrieked like a bird. "Why is everyone saying he is your mate when it's obviously me!". "Ginny I hate to break it to you but you were never my mate. Werewolves only mate once and I was not going to waste it on you" Harry said while resting his hand on my thigh while smirking at my blushing face. Cheeky git. "But you said I was your mate, your female alpha!" She said smugly which is hilarious since she has no idea what trap she just fell in. I stood up and leaned over the table so I was eye level with her. "Ginny dear, you do realise if you want to be officially a werewolves mate they have to ask and they have to receive and be given a present to finish the mate process", she opened her mouth to sleek but I cut her off "You asked him to be his mate and he agree since you were his best friends sister, there was no present and therefore you were never anything more than a girlfriend".

She stood there stunned. "W-w-well I-. YOU DONT HAVE A PRESENT ANYWAY, which means he is still single for werewolves", omg this girl is blind. "Check again hun" I held up the necklace and so did Harry. I sat back down next to him because I noticed Pansy yelling at the other girls for being too close to Harry, I'm glad she's my friend she's seriously scary when she is mad. I assumed that the embarrassment would be enough for this girl to back off but apparently not.

"Stupefly" "Incarcerous" Me, Blaise and Pansy were all thrown against a wall and pinned in place with ropes.

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