~ Part 30 ~

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*Tom's POV*
HOW DID THE OLD FOOL LET HIM GO!? He has huge wounds everywhere and is bleeding but refuses to back down. He throws betas with ease and is winning while fighting an alpha not to mention his pack is destroying Viktor's even though they are outnumbered. The old fool doesn't know who he lost.

I didn't think he would get up from that but I guess you can never guess with this kid. He walks proudly over to his pack and I look to the crowd they look just as shocked, and dare I say that Severus looks proud? What!?

*Harry's POV*
I see Viktor's claws against my mates neck, I jump over Lucius and change into my human form in the air, I grab Viktor's arm and pull it away from his neck and land behind him which breaks his arm, allowing Draco to move over to his family. I check and see Draco with Narcissa so I turn to look at Viktor, he looks terrified and is rolling in pain.

He howls for his pack to help him and I laugh ignoring my hazy vision. "They cannot listen to you anymore, I'm their alpha now", I tell him noticing the metallic blood taste in my mouth. "You are never going to come near my pack again, if you do I'll end you myself". With that I broke another arm and a leg, hoping that this time he stayed away "because next time, your dead!" I whisper into his ear before leaving him in pain.

My vision begins to spot as I walk over to the others, I see Ron and Hermione with Pansy and Blaise before looking to Draco he runs over and hugs me. But I can't keep my balance anymore and I fall to the ground, the last thing I see is Severus and Narcissa before darkness.

*Lucius's POV*
Okay so seeing the fight, maybe this wasn't a good idea. I just wanted to make sure that Draco had someone who could protect him when the so called light decided to attack. And I will admit it's just petty to think that this boy is just like his father, he isn't responsible for what James did to us in school. I turn to Karkaroff, he is the only one who can control Viktor Krum and stop the fight.

"Karkaroff, this has gone on for long enough and this could get someone killed, call it off", I ordered but he turned to me and said "if you wish to stop the fight the only way to do so is to surrender, but that means both of the betas will join Viktor's pack". No this can't be happening, what have I done?

I watch as Viktor stands on his neck, definitely cutting off his oxygen. What do I do if he does die I loose Draco forever. As this thought crossed my mind I hear him yell, "Common Harry, Please I LOVE YOU!", I turn to see Draco standing with a Pansy and Blaise. Of course trust those 3 to get past the wards, I turn to look at Harry when to my surprise he throws Viktor off him and pins him down while growling. I sigh and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding when a Viktor backed down and Harry checks his pack.

I go to shake Karkaroff's hand when I see Viktor grab my son, I pull my wand out with Narcissa following me. There is no way he's getting hurt because of me. He has a clawed hand around his neck. I am about to shoot a spell when Harry jumps over my head and turns human whilst breaking Viktor's arm. Okay definitely this child has my respect, I check Draco is okay and look back to see Viktor rolling in pain and Harry passed out.

*Severus's POV*
I am not sure what I just witnessed but I know that this kid isn't anything like James. He definitely cared about others more than himself, James would have protected himself before anyone else. I watch as he passes out probably from blood loss, me and Narcissa agree it's best to heal him at the manor so while Narcissa apperated the boy there I will apperate Draco and collect some potions for him.

We apperate to Malfoy Manor and I leave Draco with his friends before I grab every potion that could possibly help with blood loss and wounds. Once I have everything I run to the room where Narcissa has lauded him on a bed and begun cleaning the wounds. I have never seen someone loose this much blood and still be alive never mind fight another alpha, I just hope he makes it for Draco's sake at least.

With his alpha ability's and his strong magical core he should make it, right?

*Draco's POV*
I watch as Harry falls to the ground and I freeze, mother and Sev look over his wounds and I feel the tears trailing down my face. Next thing I know I'm back at the manor and Pansy and Blaise wrap me in a hug, I burst out crying and it feels like I'm drowning. What if he's dead and I have lost him.

I stay with Pansy and Blaise for a while until they have to check on their mates, I nod and try to smile. "I will be fine guys go", at least they can be happy with their mates, my thoughts are swirling around my head when I one thought makes my mood snap. It's his fault.

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