~ Part 19 ~

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* Hermione's POV *
"Okay we need a plan to get back to Harry and Draco but first anyone have an idea of where they would go?", I asked the group. Pansy and Blaise looked at each other and unison said "Malfoy Manor". Okay if we know where they went that's good now we just need to know the main exits and entrances so we have options to make a quick escape if it's needed. "Do you two know the building well enough to know where all the exits are?", the two nodded and began to explain. "There is a main warded gate which would be a bad choice since it's guarded and obvious" Blaise started. "The back entrance is also guarded as well as the main,back and side doors of the manor therefore I think the best option would be to go through the cellar door which leads to the kitchen. Non of the death eaters ever go there since the house elves cook for them", Pansy said and smiled at my shocked expression.

* Pansy's POV *
I smiled very smugly when Hermione was shocked at my intelligence. "Okay we know the entrances and exits but I think when it comes to sneaking around undetected and ambushing people you two have the most experience", I said turning my head to Hermione and Ron. They smiled at each other with mischievous grins, I looked at Blaise who had the same expression as me. How many times have they done these types of things?

I looked over to them again as they pulled out a small bag, Hermione put her hole arm in and I quickly realised it must be an extension charm. They pulled out a cloak, a piece of parchment, a box and a book. They both grinned widely "it's been a while" Ron said while rubbing his hands together. They saw our expressions and began to explain while pointing at the objects. "This is an invisibility cloak", Ron said and wrapped it around his body, he become a floating head and I was impressed. "This is the marauders map, although we added some of our magic to it and made some improvements. It used to show where everyone was in Hogwarts at all times and the marauders used it to play pranks. However after a few years I researched and practiced a spell that would strengthen its magic, we all added our magic and now it shows everything and everyone around you. For example if we went to Malfoy Manor it will show everyone inside but we have to be there for it to work". Hermione explained as my eyes grew wider and wider, she really was amazing.

* Blaise's POV *
"What are these then?", I asked pointing at the book and the box. "This babe", Ron began, "is a box with an extension charm that is filled with prank items Fred and George made for us, they have a matching box and they can add new items. The best part is I don't even know what some of this stuff does!" He smiled wider than ever and it made me blush it was good to see him happy. "And the book?" Pansy asked. "This book belonged to the Half Blood Prince or as you know him one Professor Snape", Hermione chimed in. "The book is filled with upgraded potion recipes and spells that Snape created. "I knew Snape recorded his spells! He taught me Sectumsempra", Pansy said proudly. I remember she bagged him for months until he gave in and taught her.

After a few hours we had a plan!

* No ones POV *
We can learn some new spells from the book and brew some healing potions in case anything goes wrong. We would sneak under the invisibility cloak through the cellar entrance door, we can ask the house elf called Dobby there if he knows anything about Harry and Draco, Pansy and Blaise assured the others that he was very loyal and opulent tell. We will see what he knows and then use the map to check where they are, once we know we can make our way to them while avoiding everyone. Once we reach the doors we listen to see what is going on, we can use smoke bombs and apperate away with Harry and Draco if anything goes wrong.

* Ron's POV *
We spent a total of 4 hours learning spells and brewing potions before we couldn't sit around anymore. The suspense was getting to everyone and we prepared to leave for Malfoy Manor, Hermione was very skilled in apperting but since she hadn't been to the manor before Pansy offered to apperate us instead.

We all held hands and felt the familiar feeling of being pulled through a long tube. I looked around when we arrived and was face to face with a huge black gate, I let go of Pansy's hand but tightened my grip on Blaise's hand. Hermione talked us through the plan again as I pulled out the map. I pointed my want to it and spoke the words "I solemnly swear I am up to no good", Blaise stared in awe as the manor began to show on the map, although we could only see the guards outside on the map. "It's because we aren't inside", Hermione states when I looked confused. I nodded and we made our way over the gate to the cellar it was quite easy since levitation was an easy charm, the wards were easily distracted thanks to Fred and George's mischief anti-locks.

We gathered at the door of the cellar, me and Hermione hid under the cloak since the elves would only be loyal to Pansy and Blaise. Reluctantly I let go of Blaise's hand and walked through the door after him. When they entered all the elves crowded around them and hugged them, me and Hermione had to quickly clasp a hand around our mouths as a growl was released. In all 5he excitement they didn't seem to notice. I gazed back to the map as Hermione pointed to an area labelled 'Bedroom' with Draco, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy name tags inside it. We scanned the map for Harry and I sighed as it was labelled 'Dungeon' with the names Harry Potter, Tom Riddle, Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus's Snape. Of course he would be with them.

* Pansy's POV *
I asked to speak to Dobby in private and all the other elves left to their work. "Dobby do you know why they took Draco?". "Dobby does not know Pans he had only heard someone in the Dungeon growling". I looked at Blaise who had a worried face. This wasn't going too well.

We left the kitchens into an empty hall way where we kept an eye on the map, we were thinking of a plan of action when the map changed. Everyone (Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa, Tom, Severus, Remus, Sirius, Draco and Harry) headed up to the room labelled  'living room'.

"Should that make it easier or harder?" Hermione said.

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