Chapter Four; Should She Or Shouldn't She?

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I have thought about letting Aiden know about the twins because they have started asking questions that I don't know how to answer.

Ever since they saw some of their friends with their dads.

I couldn't forget the day we met, the first time since that day four years ago.

He looked mature and not the same guy from high school and am no longer a Cinderella.

But he was still arrogant as ever believing that I cheated on him with my cousin.

"Momma, Jake is taking my cupcake", Riley says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Jake", I called him; I knew that I will find the frosting of the cupcake on his face. He walked in feeling guilty for what he did to his sister.

"Am sorry, Ry for eating your cupcake, but it looked so delicious and it was telling me to eat it, so I did", He said while hugging his sister. I couldn't help but laugh at the way he was. His face filled with cupcake icing.

"It's okay, Jake, I forgive you", Riley replied. I couldn't help but take a pic of the moment. I cleaned up the mess they made while James cleans himself.

The doorbell rang, and I rushed to open it. But first I told Jake to look after his sister because someone is at the door.

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see who was at the door. Aiden.

How did he find me?

I looked at him, wanting to slam the door in his face but then I remember that the twins would need their dad and it is now or never.

"Can I come in?", he asks me stepping in before letting him inside my house. I just hoped that the twins would stay where they were until he leaves. It wasn't the right time for them to meet yet.

"Can I help you? , how did you know where I live?, Let me guess from Andrew right?", I asked him. He just smiled and sat down on the sofa.

"When were you going to tell me about our kids?", He asked while showing me the twins' pictures. It was their 2nd birthday. They were wearing matching outfits.


"Can I see them? I am not here to accuse you, I just want to get to know them and be their father", He interrupted me.

I nodded and I tell him; "Wait here, I will bring them out". I walked away to their playroom to get the twins.


My parents gave me an ultimatum, to meet my kids and also invite them over to the house.

If I don't there will be consequences. I wouldn't want to know them because I know how my mum is when she says something. She means it.

Now am here at Adrianna's house to see and meet my kids. I am so nervous, I don't know how they will react to me. I have so many questions about how they will be with me. Looking around, I saw many pictures of her and our kids.

From when they were born till now. I can't believe I missed the important milestones of my kids just because I listened to the bitch.

After a few moments, I hear footsteps heading toward the living room. The first walked in was Jake.

He looked protective of his mum and sister. He was taller for his age. Behind him was Riley, who looked like a little princess.

"Jake, Riley, This is your dad", Adrianna said to tell. I waited for the reaction. They both ran towards me and hugged me calling me dad.

'Thank you,' I mouthed at Adrianna as she left us alone in the living room. I couldn't help but notice that a tear was falling from her eyes.

"Dad, where were you all this time?", asked Riley.

"Did You know about us? , Mum said you were away because you were working", added Jake.

I tried to explain to them why I was away from them and their mother.

I promised them that I will be back to visit them regularly and also to take them out.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?", Jake asked. I nodded yeah.

"Do you love mom?", He asked. I looked at him, his face, he was hoping for a positive answer.

"I love your mother will all my heart, Forever and For Always", I said.

I didn't know that Adrianna was listening to us. She is a great mother, the twins showed me the things they love to do with their mom. They even showed me to their rooms.

They even said that they were sharing a room but now their mother gave them their rooms. I understood why she did that, It was because she saw the changes in their personalities.

James loved superheroes. His favorite was The Black Panther.


While the kids were with their dad, I knew that the time has come for them to know each other.

I was in my office when I heard Jake's question about Aiden loving me. And I also heard his answer too.

It was almost time for lunch, I went to the kitchen and started to make lunch.

Before I prepare, I went to find Aiden and the twins to ask him if he was staying for lunch or does he need to go home.

"Sorry, I just came to ask if you would stay for lunch?", I asked him.

The kids started telling him to stay for lunch to spend more time with them. Fortunately, he says yes to the question.

He left the kids in their playroom and walked with me to the kitchen.

"It is okay, you don't have to come with me, to the kitchen...."

"I wanted to talk to you about something, mum and dad know about the twins and they asked me to take them with me someday when you guys are free so they could meet them". He said.

"Okay, next weekend you could take them as they have a week off from school", I replied to him knowing that this was the time that the twins should spend with him and their grandparents. I was worried about what would Monica do when she finds out about the twins.

"Dont worry about her, she wouldn't be near them", He says as if reading my mind.

I prepared the lunch, and he insisted on helping me even if I told him no.

He chopped all the veggies needed for the meal. I was astounded by how he used the knife. I remembered that he never cooks nor did he learn to chop anything.

"Mum taught me when I visited them during college break", he explained.

"She didn't want you to survive on instant noodles or any other junk food". I tell him.

"Why didn't you tell me about them? I did deserve to know about them Adrianna", he said to me. I knew that there was no way to avoid the question.

"Because we broke up and you are with her. I think it's time for me to call the kids to eat. Aiden I didn't want to keep the twins away from you. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid that you might reject them. That you might say they aren't yours", I explained to him.

His expression changed and I realize that I didn't have a choice but to tell him what was on my mind at that time.

"I am sorry..."

"It is okay. I am going to call the twins for lunch. If you could set the table that would be great", I left him in the kitchen while I went to call Jake and Riley.

The truth will always be bitter but it's the best way to start fresh in your life.

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