Bonus Chapter Two; Noah spending time with the twins.

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Dedicated to @nhyoponwaa @nanadw02 


Learning to defend yourself is great because you feel stronger, braver than you already are.

I knew a day will come when the kids have to learn to defend themselves. Am not saying through guns and other things that will harm them.

They are kids, what kind of person do you think I am? I mean I might be a little weird okay maybe a lot. But I love these kids, so I have to train them as I did with their mother after they were born.

As an uncle and a father figure for them, they needed to learn how to defend themselves and how to take care of each other.

Adrianna and I were taught by our grandfather before he and Jasmine passed away. Every day after school, we would go to our grandfather's house for practice.

But ever since I left with my father, Adrianna had almost forgotten everything that our grandfather taught. Well, except she never forgot that she is flexible and can move fast.

He always said that; It will help us matured and be alert. Because the world we live in isn't always going to be safe. So we have to look for protection for ourselves and our families.

"Ready, start", I tell them after showing them a blocking move. They were like their mom in that part. They became faster and more flexible.

"Again". I waited until they could barely move to let them have a break. I do spoil them but I also discipline them. Because they won't be spoilt brats when they grow up.

"Uncle Noah, could I please talk to you about something?", Asks Jake.

I knew it was serious because he never leaves until he mastered his move.

"Ry, you can take a break", I told Riley while taking Jake inside the house.

"Okay, you can tell me anything, I'm listening", I said to him hoping he won't be scared of telling me what he knows.

"Well... As you know mum and Alex are dating, but there's something seriously wrong with him. I mean whenever he is at home, he goes into mom's office. I once saw him talking on his phone saying that he hasn't found it yet". He explained.

I knew that this would happen, Aiden has already told me about Monica and Alex, but Adrianna wouldn't believe us without any sufficient evidence.

"Dont worry bud, I know what to do", I assured him.

"How about we take a break today and maybe hang out at the beach with your dogs?", I asked him while Riley was walking in with them.

They were happy about it.

"First, take a shower both of you", I tell them as they both rushed upstairs. They each have a room in my house. So whenever they come over, they could sleep over.

I walked into my study and dialed a number, someone answered.

"Hey, we have a problem, It seems that Alex has been a rat".

"I know, Aiden already told me about it a day ago, and I have everything planned. So as I told him, I will tell you the same thing, she will be safe". The caller said.

"So, what have you found out about them?", I asked him hoping he would tell me.

But he said it is confidential and when the time is right I will know with the others. I knew he won't fail us, because of what happened to him to be the way he is today.

I wondered what type of plan he had for them. The charges they have are getting higher and higher.

Steve, Monica, and Alex are bad people. Even though Alex was just thrown in by Monica.

I ended the call, stepped out of my study. I saw the twins ready with their dogs and their bags which were filled with toys for the dogs and their change of clothes.

The twins have rooms in each of our houses. In Leyla's house, Mine and Anna Maria's house, their father's, their grandparents who were many.

And also their mom's house. Each of these rooms was filled with clothes, so they won't need clothes when they sleep over in anyone's house.

I have been training the kids ever since they turned five which was almost five years ago.

Now they just turned ten a few months ago. They saw how their mum was training with me. They immediately became interested.

They came far with their training.

I just hope they will be able to use their training when they really need it. Because whatever Monica is planning isn't going to be good.

Fighting doesn't mean that you have to use the skills you acquired for bad, you could use it for good or even help people who might need your help.

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