Chapter Fourteen; Awake Or Dreaming

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This was before Aiden got the call from Adrianna, letting him know that she is awake.


Have you ever been in a dream where you can't wake up? I am in that type of dream. I feel like giving up but then I remember I have my family to come back to.




And the baby I am carrying.

I could hear voices, but I can't open my eyes even if I tried so much.

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light in the room. I scanned around the room, I saw Aiden's parents seated on the sofa. I coughed because my throat was so dry.

"Addie, thank God you are awake, here drink some water", said Chloe Aiden's mother.

She gave me a glass of water, I drank it all because I was so thirsty.

"Thank you", I said to her while she looked at James trying to tell him something.

"What happened? Where are the kids?" I asked them. They looked at each other, trying not to tell me anything.

"You were in an accident, honey and someone took the kids. You were in a coma for almost a month", Chloe explains to me.

She tells me everything that had happened while I was in a coma. I was so angry at Monica. I couldn't even protect my kids from her.

"Don't worry, they are safe now. Aiden called while you were asleep", his dad explained to me. "If you want to talk to him, I could call him for you".

"Yes, please". I tell her. I needed to see my kids and even Aiden.

He needs to know about my pregnancy that if the doctor hasn't told him yet. That is if am still pregnant. I remember being shot and bleeding from my legs.

I knew that somehow the bleeding came from my baby.

I spoke to him, letting him know about my being awake and how much I need to see them.

"You are awake, Mrs. Master," said the doctor. Why did the doctor call me by that name?

"Everything looks good, the only thing to do is that sonogram to see how the babies are", He says while writing something on my chart.


"Yes, you are pregnant with twins...

He wanted to add more but was interrupted by the opening and walked in with my two angels. How much I missed them.


"Hey guys, be careful your mom isn't well yet", said Aiden. I looked at him and smiled. 'Thank you ' I mouthed at him.

"I will bring the machine in a while so don't exhaust yourself", says the doctor as he walked out.

I looked at Aiden, was he hiding something that he didn't want me to know?

"Are you guys okay? Do you have any bruises or have you broken anything?" I asked as I was inspecting them like a concerned mother.

"Babes, calm down. They are fine no need to worry", Aiden tries to assure me, knowing very well how protective I am with them.

"Okay, guys. Let your mum and I talk for a while. Your Papa and Mama will take you to have ice cream...." Before he could finish what he was saying the twins cheered as they know that they were getting ice cream.

"Let's go darlings, have some rest Addie", Said Chloe kissing my forehead. I knew that they were hiding something because they couldn't be this secretive about anything or even nothing.

As they all left, I turned to Aiden.

"What's the matter, Adrianna?", he asks me.

"Aiden, am sorry that I didn't tell you about me being pregnant and I know what I did wasn't right but I did it because I couldn't bear getting hurt again", I tell him trying not to cry.

"Love, don't say that. Everyone has their reasons to do something. I haven't been supportive of you when your father died. And I jumped to a conclusion without letting you explain. I should be sorry not you", he tells me wiping my tears away. The same tears I have been trying not to shade.

"I guess we both aren't perfect...."

"Addie, Love isn't perfect. In a relationship, couples make mistakes all the time but what is sad is that they don't even get the chance to acknowledge their faults and this ruins everything they built together", he explained.

I thanked God to have another chance with him. I just hope everything will be alright and no more misfortunes.

His Cinderella.Book 2 of Cinderella Or Not.Where stories live. Discover now