Chapter SevenTeen; You are Invited To Adrianna And Aiden's Wedding.

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 Weddings can be a day of happiness. A day that we might have the people who we lost, to be there. We remember them, as they are always in our hearts and our minds. Their memories and voices will always be with us.


On this day, I wish that my parents were with me. I miss them every single day of my life. Here I am in the cemetery, visiting them.

Telling them everything that has happened in my life. The good, the better, the bad, and the worst. Even if they aren't here with me, I want to feel them one more time before I take the step of getting married.

I will be walking down the aisle with Noah by my side. He always promised to be there no matter what and he has proven that time and time again.

Without wanting anything in return. He became the brother I always wanted and maybe even needed.

"Babes, are you okay? If you want we could change the date and postponed the wedding. I know that this day is very important to you". Aiden says.

I can't do that to him, and to myself too.

"No, it's fine. Let's get married", I tell him smiling. On this day, my parents got married.

They became one and I intend on doing the same, celebrating the life that they lived.

We walked hand in hand towards the car. He then opened the door for me.

I looked at him and just smiled. He apologized so many times for what happened. I already forgave him, my parents always told me not to hold grudges against anyone.

"I love you, Aiden".

"I love you, my wife"

He started calling me his wife ever since I gave birth to our second set of twins. When I asked why he kept calling me that, he just says; "You are My wife, whether we are married or not".

Right now we are heading to Anna's house. Aiden is just dropping me off there, while he goes to Leyla's place that's also Andrew's.

"Well...Wife, I'll see you at the alter, I will be waiting at the end of the aisle for you to say I do.". He says opening the door for me. But he didn't let me go until Anna walked out of the house.

"Come on, you need to go. In a few hours you will finally be in each other's arms forever, so now bye", She says pushing me towards the house.

With the look on Aiden's face, I can't believe what I see. He was pouting.

I couldn't help but turn around and run toward him. I hugged him and whispered; "I love you always and forever. See you at alter my husband".

Then I turned back and head inside with Anna.

After going inside, the girls were already there with food to keep me from being nervous. Who doesn't love food?

My makeup was getting done while the maid of honor was already getting dressed. Maids of honor I didn't have any bridesmaids well, except one.

Luke's love.

I looked in the mirror, I wished that my parents were with me on this day. Am glad that I have my friends, Noah, Aiden, and our kids. Most of all I am thankful that I have Leyla's parents as well as Anna's. And not forgetting Aiden's.

"This just came for you, and it's from Aiden", Said Leyla walking in with a box. I was about to ask how did he send it, and I got my answer when I hear Noah calling Anna.

I opened the box, to find wedding shoes with a note that said to check the bottom of the shoes. I did look. They were inscribed in his handwriting.

I did the same to his shoes, just before he took them I didn't know that he would do the same

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