Chapter Sixteen; Weddings Part Two.

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I have been feeling down lately. Tired is now my new friend. At least I have my friends with me to help me in taking care of Alex and the company.

Andrew has been nothing but loving, caring, and attentive to me and our son. I am so glad I listened to Adrianna about not breaking up with him. I know we needed that break to strengthen our relationship.

Today is about 3 months since I gave birth to our son Alex. He has become our entire world. Now I understood how Adrianna is with her kids. I never thought I would experience it.

"Hey, what's going on with you?", Asks Adrianna who just arrived with the twins, and Aiden. I still can't believe that she almost lost her life to a person she knew almost her entire life.

"Nothing just exhausted, sleepy", I pouted. She just looked at me as if she was planning something.

"I have a surprise for you, don't worry about Alex. His family will take care of him. All I need for you is to take a shower and get ready. Don't ask where you are going because I don't know", She says taking a sleeping Alex from my arms.

She didn't even let me ask questions. I went to the bathroom and did my business.

When I got out of the bathroom, there was an outfit laying on the bed with a note. Wear me.

I got dressed and walked out of the room. Strange there was no one in the house. I wonder where they were. As if they knew I would be looking for them.

Anna sent a text saying to go to the backyard, there is a surprise for me.

The backyard was decorated, with lanterns. It was as if I was in the movie Tangled.

There was Andrew, standing in the gazebo that we put there, so we could have picnics and dinners

There was Andrew, standing in the gazebo that we put there, so we could have picnics and dinners. He looked nervous as if he did something that I wouldn't approve of.


"Leyla, come here beautiful". he says pulling me closer to him.

"The day you broke up with me, was the worst day for me. I knew that I love you and there's no way will I let you go. When you came back to me, I promised not to let you go ever. You are my life, with our son. You complete me. Make me whole. So Leyla Novoa, Will you change your last name to mine? Will, you marry me?".

He kneeled on one knee and hold a ring. The ring was beautiful. It was simple yet so gorgeous.

"Babes, you could admire the ring when I put it on your finger", He says to me.


He put the ring on my finger and kissed me.

End of flashback.

It's my wedding day. After Anna came back from her honeymoon a few months ago.

As we already planned the whole wedding, a few details were remaining.

Like the catering and flowers. My parents knew that I would plan my wedding using the resources I have at the company.

Our make-up is done. I had gotten my dress on and now am waiting for Adrianna to tell me that it was time. She took the liberty to take care of everything. And she is doing a great job.

"Everything is ready, Ley. Well... except Drew freaking out". says, Anna.

Adrianna took out her phone and gave it to me.

"Hey babe, I cant wait to see you and for you to be my wife. Mine" Says, Drew. After a few minutes, Adrianna escorted my father and mother in.

Timepass, while walking to the aisle, I looked at Drew. I can't believe that I was going to be his wife and the mother of his child.

He was just a crush that I thought would fade over time but that crush grew into love.

"Who gives this woman to this man?", The priest asks.

"Her mother and I do", says, dad. He looked into Drew's eyes and said; "Take care of my angel". Drew promises to do so.

The priest then asks them for their vows as they have both written their own. We each wrote our vows.

Andrew's vows;

"Leyla, you are my sunshine, my everything. I won't want anything else when I have you and our son. You two are enough for me, well...When we have more kids in the future. I love everything about you. Your flaws, your imperfections. The way you wake up every day. I love seeing your face every morning for the rest of our lives. I promise to love you and protect you always. I will love you, hold you, and honor you. I will respect you, encourage you, and cherish you. In health and sickness, through sorrow and success, for all the days of my life".

Leyla's vows;

"Drew, what can I say about you? When I met you, I saw you in the future. My future, our future. You are my sun. You are my world—my love and my life, today and always. Without you and our son, I feel incomplete. You two make me feel whole, like something that was missing and you two made it complete. I will love you, hold you, and honor you. I will respect you, encourage you, and cherish you. In health and sickness, through sorrow and success, for all the days of my life".

The rings, please," The priest says.

The ring bearers gave the rings to him, then blessed them. He then gave one to Andrew.

Andrew took the ring and placed it on Leyla's finger; "I promise to cherish you and protect you and our kids always My wife". And then he kissed her hand.

Leyla then took the ring and placed it on Drew's finger; "I promise to cherish you and love you always, My husband.

"You may now kiss..."

These guys couldn't even wait for the priest to finish his statement. Andrew kissed her without caring that their families and friends were watching them.

"Leave some for the bedroom", Shouted Noah. We pulled apart, I was blushing because of that statement.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson", The priest officially presented us.

Weddings mean a beginning of a new day for the couple. 

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