Chapter 19: The Ball

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The rest of the week went by way too fast. Before anyone knew it, midterms were over and every student was scrambling to get ready for the Winter ball tonight. 

After one night of drinking Theo's makeshift firewhiskey in the girl's dormitories, Amelia had been forgiven for her altercations with Harry. That night, not a single one of Amelia's friends had gone to bed sober, nor did they wake up feeling like angels. God knows what other ingredients Theo's concoction contained.

Early on during the week, Amelia had the chance to talk to Blaise one-on-one which resulted in more than a few "innocent" nights spent making up in their dorms. The pair started spending much more time together for the following week. They studied for exams, crashed in each other's rooms, and even snuck a few midnight snacks from the kitchens. All was well. 

As for Amelia's dark army plans, Draco had begun to help out with the cabinet more and things were moving in accordance with the plan. And to her surprise, Amelia had also successfully kept Harry at an arm's length, she played her flirtatious role with the boy rather well and only hoped she could keep it up throughout the break at the burrow. 


"Do I seriously still have to go get ready with her?" Hermione nagged the boys. The trio was on their way to the Slytherin common room, Harry holding her dress bag and Ron pushing the bothered girl in the direction of the dungeons.

Ron had signed Hermione up to get her hair and makeup done with Amelia in the Slytherin common rooms, something both Hermione and Amelia had been dreading. 

Harry sighed, "It'd be rude to not go and this could be good for us, she might learn to trust us more." Harry felt bad about putting his friend into this situation, he really hated the fact that Hermione would be in the Slytherin dorms alone but he knew Amelia and he was convinced she wouldn't let anything happen to his best friend. And, he thought it would be nice for the two of them to try and get along. 

Ron put his arm around the whining girl, "Mione it'll be an hour tops and then you can ignore her all night!" He always seemed to be able to convince Granger to step outside of her comfort zone and with that they continued on their way to see the very people who had been tormenting them since their first year.


Everyone was in their respective dorm's bathrooms getting ready for a night not many will remember. "So she's seriously coming? And you're allowing it?" Pansy spoke, visibly irritated. When Amelia had told her that Granger was coming, Parkinson was close to using an unforgivable curse on herself. 

"Give her a shot Pans, I'm not ecstatic about this either but I also don't break promises and I told the boys I would help her." The two continued to fix themselves up. Lia had finished her hair and makeup beforehand, she figured that Granger would need all the help, and time, she could get. 

Amelia really didn't want Hermione around if we're being honest. She constantly felt nothing but judgment from the girl, but there was always something that annoyed Amelia more than a drunken Draco and it was when someone had decided they didn't like her. During her time at the Manor, she picked up a few cocky traits from her mother and uncle. They had always held themselves well and they were ever so prideful, which for some reason, spoke to our impressionable Amelia. 

"Fine, but I'm not going to promise that I'll be nice," Pansy agreed and turned to finish the rest of her makeup. 

Amelia stifled a laugh and checked the clock, "It's five to 6, I'll go check to see if she's here yet." After a nod from Parkinson, Amelia went down to the door of the common room, just as she reached the floor of the room, she heard a knock.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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