3. "I promise"

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Time skip a week and now it's the day for them to all meet! 

Bad gets up from his bed and goes into the kitchen. He felt extra hungry this morning so he whipped something up quickly. He grabs his plate and walks over to sit on the couch. 

After pulling out his phone, he unlocks it to see that Skeppy texted him.


Hi Bad!

Hi Zak

What you up to?

Nothing, just breakfast :/

How about you?

Im about to get on the plane😝

Your on your way already?

Yeah, i'll be there in like 6 hours

Cool, i'll see you then

Bye Bad :)

Have a safe flight :)

Bad realizes that he probably should prepare to leave as well. He grabs his bags and put's them into the back of his car. He lays a blanket on the passengers side of the car so Rat could be comfortable. Bad had asked Dream if Rat could come and he said yes. 

"Come on Rat, let's go!" Bad says. He leads himself and Rat to the car. They get in and Bad looks at Rat before driving. "Your so cute Lucy." he says. 

He opens his phones map to plug in the address and drives from there

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He opens his phones map to plug in the address and drives from there. And after an hour of driving, he pulls up to the house. 

"Hi." Bad greets the security guard. 

"Hello sir. What's your name?" he asks. 

"Badboyhalo or Daryl, I don't know what would be listed." Bad replies with a smile. 

The guard confirms through a walkie talkie whether bad could enter and after checking his ID, Bad was allowed past the gate. He parks his car next to a few others. He puts Rat's leash on and then get's out the car with her. 

"We're here!" he announces. Bad leaves his stuff in the car planning to take it out later. He walks in the large house with Rat and looks around. "Wow." he says. He looks around the very well decorated and spacious house. 

He can hear laughter from one of the areas in the place. It was similar to his dream which made him feel a little weird. He walks towards the sound of his friends and find's them in the kitchen. Their all around some boxes of pizza set on the counter. 

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