50. Vegas

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After touring LA for about two days. The boys get on a plane and fly the one hour trip to Las Vegas! Once they land, they rush to their hotel to drop off their stuff. Bad asks, "Should we change and go out now?" 

Skeppy says, "Already on it." 

They change into some jeans with button up tops and go out. They spend their first day touring whatever they can. 

But the second day, they get up and change. They exit the lobby and look around. "What should we do today?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy says, "Let's go sightseeing again." 

They walk hand in hand around Las Vegas. Skeppy has been here before, but always drunk or high. Bad has been here before too. But it's not really his scene you know. 

Skeppy says, "Bad, wanna ride the strat?" 

Bad asks, "What's that?" 

Skeppy says, "It's like a ride kinda. I don't know how to explain it but you'll see it!" 

(A/N: I've never been to Vegas but my parents have and I googled date ideas on google for Vegas...so idek what i'm really writing rn lmao💀i'm just a 16yo)

They walk to the Strat and Bad looks above him to see the ride. Bad says, "Skeppy. I will pass out." 

Skeppy responds, "No you won't. Bad you're from Florida. You're a Florida man. You'll be alright." 

Bad says, "I don't want to go on. That looks scary!" 

Skeppy gives Bad a kiss on the cheek and says, "Come on strawberry. Just one time." 

Bad sighs, "I can't say no to your puppy dog eyes. Fine. I'll ride it. Just hold my hand the whole time please." 

Skeppy says, "I was just about to say the same thing." 

They stand in line waiting for their turn. Once they get to the front, they sit on the ride and get strapped in safely. The ride starts going up and the boys look around in amazement as the ground gets further and further away from their feet. 

Once at the top, everyone gets a chance to look around for a bit. Until it drops! Bad starts screaming and Skeppy laughs at Bad. 

Once they stop falling, Bad pants and says, "Never doing that again." 

Skeppy laughs, "Yeah, same." 

They get off the ride and Bad says, "Ok Skeppy. Let's do something that's not ANYTHING like that please." 

Skeppy smiles, "Aww, did Badboyhalo get scared?" 

Bad scoffs, "No. It wasn't that bad. A-Anyway let's move on. We should go to the neon museum." 

"What's that?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad says, "I saw it on a friend's Instagram when they came here." 

Skeppy shrugs, "Sure. Sounds interesting." 

They walk to the neon museum and once they go in, Skeppy wont stop taking pictures of Bad

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They walk to the neon museum and once they go in, Skeppy wont stop taking pictures of Bad. Bad says, "Skeppy! I don't like too many photos of me." 

Skeppy says, "But why not? You're pretty! Come on, smile!" 

Bad smiles while covering his eyes of embarrassment. They take some pictures together and just walk around seeing the displays. 

They gaze around town and do whatever random thing they can. They go to the Bellagio and walk through the botanical garden. They even take a picture with a Deadpool cosplayer. 

But it does get near dinner time, and their stomachs begin to rumble

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But it does get near dinner time, and their stomachs begin to rumble. "I'm kinda hungry, want to eat?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy nods, "Yeah, we should go to the strip." 

Bad says, "Maybe later but right now I want some food." 

Skeppy laughs, "I meant the strip. Not a strip club." 

Bad says, "Oh...language." 

Skeppy scoffs, "You thought of it." 

Bad says, "Language. But yeah we can go to THE strip." 

They go and look for a restaurant to sit at. They find a nice sushi place and sit down to order and eat. Doesn't take them that long before they finish everything because they were hungry and tired from the day. 

"So you want to go to a strip club?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad says, "Forget I ever said anything Skeppy." 

Skeppy laughs, "Alright well know we definitely should go to a strip club. We can look around and then stop in some place." 

Bad says, "Lets go to the club, dum, pew, dum, pew, dum, pew, dum, pew, psh, Skeppy?" 

Skeppy's just laughing at Bad's imitation of club music. Skeppy says, "Let's just go Bad." 

They walk around looking for a club and they find one. They go in and there's stands for the dancers, a bar, a dance floor, and tables for the patrons. Bad says, "Maybe we should go back now." 

Skeppy says, "We paid to get in and I want to dance with you!" 

Skeppy drags Bad to the dance floor where there's multiple dancers that dance with them. Bad closes his eyes as all the language stuff is happening around him. Skeppy laughs and tries to dance with Bad. He says, "Just dance with me Bad!" 

Bad shakes his head, "I can't open my eyes." 

"Why not?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad responds, "If I open them, I'll see stuff I don't like." 

Skeppy puts a hand on Bad's cheek, "Then just look at me, ok?" 

Bad opens his eyes and looks into Skeppy's. They dance to the music and once Bad gets more comfortable, even some of the strippers hype them up. It's a good night and the boys go back to their hotel at 12am. 

Skeppy says, "I had fun today." 

Bad smiles, "We can have some more fun." 

Skeppy says, "Did you bring protection?" 

Bad nods, "Like usual." 

Then...the rest of the night plays out how it does in the imaginary world cause this is not a smut fan fic.

Word Count: 1010

A/N: Because of BBH, I've started listening to Starset, pretty good :D Also, practice safe sex, not just for no babies, but also no std's <3 Stay hydrated readers :)

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