21. Boom.

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A/N: Before you start reading this chapter, holy shit my story is #1 for Skephalo rn 0-0 I freaked out a bit. Thanks for reading this. Here's chapter 21 :)

It's nearly 2 am and Bad was barely keeping his eyes open. He was TIRED. Puffy was still next to him just on her phone. 

"Bad, do you want to go sleep in your room?" Puffy asks. 

He opens his eyes, "Yeah. I think that's best. Goodnight Puffy." 

"Goodnight Bad. And maybe we should all go to sleep. Almost everyone left here is drunk." Puffy says. 

Bad looks at everyone and yeah...most of them were having fun, yelling, whatever. Kinda out of their minds. Even George was making out on Dream's lap in the corner. 

"We definitely should get them inside before something happen." Bad says. 

Puffy get's up and says, "Hey guys, maybe we should all go inside." 

"But we aren't tired?" Sapnap says. 

"Mmm well you guys will be so come on. Just go take some showers then chill inside." Bad says.

"Yeah, you guys might get sick." Puffy says. Bad nods his head in agreement. 

Everyone groans and starts stumbling inside. Puffy and bad shake their head behind them. Everyone else besides Karl, Sapnap, Dream, Alex, George, and Techno went to their rooms. 

"Can I get a kiss from my homies before I go night night?" Karl asks. 

"Me too!" Sapnap and Alex say. 

"Do whatever you want. But also change into some clothes and sleep." Puffy says. 

She goes to her room and Bad is left to deal with them. "Alright guys lets go to our rooms and sleep now." Bad says. 

"Nuh uh, not without my kisses." Sapnap says. 

Bad rolls his eyes, "Whatever. I'm going to sleep." 

"Nope, your a homie Bad, so I need a kiss from my homie." Alex says. Alex starts puckering his lips and starts trying to kiss Bad's cheek. 

"Ew Quackity!" Bad whines. 

"No thats not how you kiss the homies! This is how." Sapnap says and quickly pecks the lips of Karl. Karl starts jumping up and down. 

"Oh alright." Alex says. He tries to do that to Bad who starts running around. 

"Ew Quackity! Stop! Quackity!" Bad yell's. 

Alex stops chasing him and laughs, "Chill Bad! I'm kidding. Only kisses I want are from my fiances." 

So Karl and Sapnap both give him a peck on his cheeks. "Alright, I can die happy now." Alex says. 

"Alright fine whatever muffins. We should just go to sle-" Bad get's cut off by shock of Skeppy kissing his cheek. 

"I also needed a kiss from my homie." Skeppy says giggling. 

Bad starts blushing like crazy, "Oh my god Skeppy! You absolute muffin head! Thats it! Im going to sleep! Goodnight guys!" Bad goes to the room and shuts the door, not locking it of course cause Skeppy still needs to get in. 

After the other's say goodnight, Skeppy comes into the room. He changes his clothes get's into bed next to Bad. 

"Are you asleep yet Bad?" Skeppy asks. 

"No. Why?" Bad replies. 

"I have a question." Skeppy says. 

Bad get's curious and turns the other way to face Zak, "Alright..what is it?" 

"What if we dated?" Skeppy asks. 


Bad got excited, his heart and stomach were fluttering, and his mind wasn't functioning at all. There was a special look in Skeppy's eyes that Bad could see even in the dark. His eyes were quite literally sparkling. 

"W-what Zak?" Bad asks. 

"What if we dated?" he repeats. 

Bad laughs, "Yeah sure Skeppy. Your just drunk right now." 

"Im serious Bad. Imagine the content we could farm out of it! And all our fans would be happy. It would be so good for us like we'd get such a boost!" Skeppy says. 

Bad's heart sinks to the depths of his stomach. "Oh." his voice breaks. 

"Yeah! Maybe I'd even get verified on Twitter from the boost or something. I don't know. But it's a good idea right?!" Skeppy asks. 

Bad sighs, "I don't think so Skeppy. Your just drunk right now. I think we should go to sleep. Night Skeppy." 

"Alright, goodnight Bad." Skeppy says. 

They both face the other way with their back's towards each other. 

"Must've been the alcohol that made his eyes glisten like that." Bad tells himself. Soon he could hear Skeppy's quite snores. He smiles to himself, "I wish I could date you Skeppy." 

Bad could feel a wetness start to form on his face. He wipes his under eyes and realizes what it is. Tears. But he cant tell what their from. 

"Skeppy would never date you Bad. Don't get your hopes up." Bad tells himself. 

He shuts his eyes and focuses on the dark, empty view that takes place in his mind. He finds a bit of comfort through hat to put him to sleep, along with the immense feeling to just shut down right now.

Word Count: 833

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.

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