10. DrunkBoyHalo

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After the match is over, Bad and Skeppy, plus a couple other's of course, get out the pool. 

"What time is it?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad pick's up his phone from a table and check's. "It's 8:45." Bad replies. 

Skeppy shrug's, "It's still early." 

"I guess. I'm going to go inside and shower." Bad say's. 

"Your not gonna hang out more?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad wipe's his glasses so the remaining water get's off, "Nope. Probably will just shower and sleep." 

"Come on Bad. You need to have a fun time. We have like maybe 4 more week's left till we leave. Let loose!" Skeppy say's. 

Bad stand's there, "Well I don't know." 

"Come on. Just stay out here and chill or something. I'll be bored without you." Skeppy say's. 

"Really?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy nod's and say's, "Of course. Your my best friend. I alway's want you around." 

A thought came into Bad's head, "Why does he always want me around? That's kinda weird to say to a best friend." And in Skeppy's head, "Why'd I say that? I'm so stupid." They both try to shake it off and make convo again. 

"I'll stay then. Since you want me to stay so bad." Bad say's. 

"Yay! I'll get you a drink to help keep you awake." Skeppy say's. 

He leave's to go to the bar. Bad sit's down on one of the lounge chair's just waiting for Skeppy. Zak come's back a couple minute's later holding two red solo cup's. 

"Here." he say's while handing Bad one of the cup's. 

Bad take's the cup out of his hand and smell's it. 

"What's in this?" he asks. 

Skeppy shrugs, "Just red-bull and vodka. It should keep us up." 

Bad stare's at the drink and think's, "Maybe I should have some fun. Nothing that bad could happen since I have Zak with me." 

He take's a sip and actually enjoy's the taste of it. The burn of the alcohol mixed with the fizz of red-bull burnt his throat a little. But he took another sip, and another, and another. Skeppy sat next to Bad and took a few sip's here and there. 

"Could I get another cup?" Bad asks Skeppy. 

Skeppy grab's the cup out of Bad's hand and see's that Bad has drank all of it. 

"Bad, you drank all of this?!" Skeppy asks. 

Bad smile's and replies, "Yep. Y-yes I did. It was g-good. And hey, I think you did g-great with making it." 

"Thank's. And I can tell your drunk by the way your slurring your words." Skeppy respond's laughing. 

Bad snatches's the cup back from Skeppy and check's to see if their's more liquid in his cup. "I might be drunk, so what? And I want more Skeppy." Bad whine's. 

Skeppy grab's the cup back, "You don't need anymore bad." 

"Ok well I need to do something! I'm bored!" Bad say's. 

Skeppy get's up and say's, "What do you want to do?" 

"Let's go swimming!" Bad suggest's. 

"Alright. Just be careful Bad." Skeppy say's. 

Bad get's up and hop's in the pool. 

"The water feel's so nice!" Bad yell's. 

Dream and George look over at him. The pair were in one of the corners of the pool just chatting with each other. 

"Is he ok?" George asks Skeppy. 

"We are seeing drunk boy halo in person for the first time." Skeppy respond's. 

George and Dream start laughing. 

"I knew he can get drunk." Dream say's. 

"Skeppy! Come on! Let's have a race!" Bad say's. 

"Ok, but i'm going to beat you." Skeppy say's. 

Bad smirk's and say's, "No way. Because i'm like the flash." 

And with that, Bad start's swimming. Skeppy rushes after him trying to catch up. 

"I BEAT YOU!" Bad shout's. 

Skeppy shushes him, "Be careful. Some people are sleeping." 

A couple of the people in the house went inside most likely to sleep or just chill. 

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to shout." Bad apologize's. 

Skeppy smile's, "It's ok Bad. Are you still bored?" 

Bad shrug's, "Yes. But I think I have an idea." 

Bad start's doing lap's around the pool. You'd think he'd get tired of all this swimming, but he was really energetic. 

"Skeppy, I swim good right?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy laugh's and smile's at him, "Yeah Bad. Your doing great." 

His swimming right now was fast, but not that great really too. Skeppy watches as Bad waste's away all the energy he has. 

After an hour of just doing random ass shit like running around, swimming lap's, playing game's, Bad crashes. He plop's onto the lounge chair panting. 

"Are you tired now?" Skeppy asks yawning. 

"Yes." Bad replies. He start's shutting his eyes. 

"You should take a shower then sleep." Skeppy say's. 

Bad shushes him, "I don't care." 

Skeppy drag's Bad's body up by his arms and slings them around his shoulder. 

"Come on drunk boy halo. Just take a shower and then go to sleep alright?" Skeppy say's. 

Bad groan's in response. They get to their room and Skeppy help's Bad into the shower. 

"Just rinse yourself tonight and tomorrow you can take a proper shower." Skeppy say's. 

Skeppy leave's the bathroom and let's Bad shower himself. He sit's on the bed with his phone waiting for Bad to finish. 

After a few minute's, Bad come's out wrapped in a towel. "I forgot my clothes." he say's. 

Skeppy get's up and find's Bad's pj's for him. Bad thank's him and goes to the bathroom to change. Bad come's out and get's in bed. 

"Thank you for the help Zak." Bad say's. 

"Of course." Skeppy respond's. 

He watches as Bad drift's off to sleep. 

"Wow." he think's to himself. 

Skeppy get's in the shower and take's a good one himself. He come's back out and change's into his clothe's to go to sleep as well. He get's in bed and turn's to face Bad. 

"Sweet dream's." Skeppy whisper's. 

Zak shut's his eye's and goes to sleep. But just because Bad and Skeppy went to sleep, it doesn't mean everyone else did.

Word Count: 1019

A/N: I wanted to write Drunk boy halo :p

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