12. Karaoke

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Everyone wake's up the next morning, still tired. These streamer's really need beauty sleep. Bad get's up and he's hungover of course. They all make and have breakfast together at the kitchen. Bad was digging around on his plate just playing with his food. He wasn't in that big of a mood to eat right now. 

"Does your head hurt still?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad nod's, "Yeah. I thought it'd be gone by now." 

"I'll get you some Advil." Skeppy say's. 

He goes to the medicine cabinet and take's two pill's out of the bottle. He walk's over to Bad and hand's him the pill's. 

"Thank you." Bad say's. 

Skeppy smile's in response. Bad drink's the pill's with his water and eat's some of his meal. After everyone is done they all go to chill in their separate place's. Bad, Skeppy, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity were all just talking in the living room. 

"Do you guy's want to record a video?" Alex asks. 

"What kind of video?" Bad asks curiously. 

"I was thinking a couple show. Because you and Skeppy are a ship and so is Karl and Sapnap." Alex respond's. 

"I love that idea!" Karl say's. 

"I'm in." Sapnap say's. 

"I'll do it." Skeppy agree's. 

"I don't know." Bad say's. 

"Come on Bad. It'll be fun! And imagine the view's and like's it would get." Skeppy say's. 

Bad think's about it, and the video would do really well. 

"Who's channel is it going on?" Bad asks. 

They all shrug. "I was thinking maybe we can split it into five part's and each one of us can post one of the part's." Alex say's. 

"That work's for me then. I'm in." Bad say's. 

"When should we film it?" Skeppy asks. 

"Maybe this weekend?" Sapnap suggest's. 

They all shrug again. "Sure. I'll get the stuff ready." Karl say's. 

"I'll help you." Alex say's. 

They go on with their day and it was night time now. 

"I'm bored!" Sapnap whine's. 

"What do you want to do?" Karl asks. 

Sapnap shrug's, "I don't know. Just something." 

"I have an idea." Dream say's. 

"What is it?" Techno asks. 

"Karaoke." Dream say's. 

Everyone get's excited and already start their search on what song they want to sing. 

"I bright a karaoke machine cause I thought it'd be fun. I'll go bring it." Dream say's. He get's up from his seat and leave's. A few minute's later, he come's back with the machine and a mic in his hand. 

"Do you have another mic?" Ant asks. 

"Yeah, I have three more." Dream replies. 

As Dream set's up the machine, Bad look's for a good song to sing. 

"What are you gonna do?" Bad asks Skeppy. 

"I was thinking about Mine Diamonds." he replies. 

Bad start's laughing, "R-really? Your gonna sing that?" 

"Yep. It's gonna be epic." Skeppy say's. 

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