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A/N: This is a long chapter :)

August 12, Friday, Dream's birthday. George has a nice day planned out for them as soon as they're done with their work for the day. George has been staying in the US as much as he could with a work visa. 

Dream gets up from his desk at 12pm and says, "Alright, i'm done with work for today! Got the new merch design, some paperwork here and there, and I edited your video." 

George laughs, "Thank you Clay. But now that we're both done with work, are you ready for the fun day I have planned?" 

"Hmmm. I don't know if it'll be fun since you planned it." Dream replies. 

George hits his shoulder, "It will be fun. And if it isn't fun, then I'll let you..." 

"Let me what?" Dream asks. 

George sighs, "I'll let you...tie me up." 

Dream says, "Good for me! Let's go! What's first for today?" 

George says, "I thought maybe we could have a start to the day with ordering some food and watching whatever you want to watch. Because we're going to be doing some things later that might tire you out." 

"Oh really, I can guess what we'll be doing later." Dream replies. 

George giggles, "Maybe. Anyway, what do you want to eat?" 

Dream shrugs, "Maybe Dennys?" 

George takes out his phone and says, "Ok so what should we order?" 

They place their order from Dennys and then plop onto their couch. "What does the birthday boy want to watch?" George asks. 

Dream says, "I'm thinking Percy Jackson?" 

George smiles, "Sure!" 

They start the first Percy Jackson movie and are 30 minutes in when the food arrives. George thanks the deliverer and brings in the food for them to dig in. They finish their food and the movie, making the time come to 2pm. 

"So what next?" Dream asks. 

George gets up and says, "Get ready because we're going on to the zoo!" 

Dream says, "On it!"

They go to get changed out of their morning clothes and into some casual clothing. Dream grabs the keys to his BMW and they get in the car. Dream is the driver...fast driver. 

So they arrive at the zoo in no time. Both of them like animals, and Dream loves alligators. As soon as they walk in, there are flamingoes to their left and turtles to the right. They stop to look at every small habitat and all the animals within. 

Dream says, "Oh my god George! Look at these cute little froggies!" 

George walks away from the salamanders and looks with Dream. He says, "That one is adorable." George points to a small green tree frog. 

Dream says, "That's cute but look at that one with the spots. Apparently it's a northern leopard frog." 

"Awww, I like that one. Seems unique." George responds. 

They keep moving through the giant zoo! In the forest habitat, theres a family of pandas. George laughs, "Look, it's Sapnap!" 

Dream laughs and says, "I'm gonna take a picture for him." He takes a selfie with the pandas and sends it to Sapnap captioned with, "You look horrible in this photo lol." 

Sapnap responds, "Because it's your birthday, I won't say anything back besides that I look cute." 

They move along and get to reptiles. There's an employee next to a snake habitat, holding a large snake. The man sees Dream and George staring at him. He says, "You fellas wanna pet the snake? I promise she's harmless even though she's pretty big!" 

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