4. Live

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The boys bring in Skeppy's things quietly trying to avoid the group until after. 

"I like our room." Skeppy say's. 

"Yeah, it's nice." Bad agrees. 

Skeppy looks around the room, "Where's Rat?" 

"Oh she's with Floof." Bad replies. 

"Can Rocco join them?" he asks. 

Bad was petting the cute dog. "I guess. But can I pet Rocco a bit more?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy shrugs, "Sure." 

Bad pet the dog a few more minutes then took him (i'm sry if Rocco is a girl) to Techno's room to hang with the other two. The dog's got along nicely. Bad look's at all the dog's and wants to pet all of them. So he does. He pet's all the dogs for a few minutes, then leaves the room. 

Bad walk's back to his room and see's Skeppy trying to put his stuff into places

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Bad walk's back to his room and see's Skeppy trying to put his stuff into places. 

"Which side is mine and which is yours?" Skeppy asks. 

"Uh, just take whichever side you want." Bad says. 

Skeppy shrugs, "Ok, i'll take this side then." 

Bad felt that weird feeling again. But he tries shaking it off and making talk with Skeppy. 

"How was your flight here? I forgot to ask earlier." Bad asks. 

Skeppy shrugs, "It was good. I just took a long nap. So now I can stay up all night here." 

"Are you really going to do that?" Bad groans. 

Skeppy giggles, "Maybe. Maybe not. I won't let you sleep either though. We're in Florida all together in one house. No way anyone is getting sleep tonight!" 

Skeppy was correct. Bad knew that all his friends were sort of alike to Skeppy's energy. 

"I'll go to sleep early anyway." Bad says. 

"I won't let you Bad." Skeppy says. 

"Well when you see me sleeping later, don't be shocked." Bad says. 

Skeppy smiles and says, "You know what. Sure, I wanna see you sleep." 

"W-why?" Bad stutters. 

"I could take funny photos of you sleeping." Skeppy says while laughing. 

Bad grabs a pillow off their shared bed and throw's it at Zak's face. 

"What the hell was that for?" Skeppy asks. 

"Language." Bad says. 

They both put their stuff away while making some conversation. And then go to the main group. 

"Skeppy! When did you get here?" Puffy asks. 

"I don't know. A couple of minutes ago. Bad just helped me get my stuff so." Skeppy answers. 

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