16. "love you bro"

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A/N: I just wanna say i'm sorry cause I didn't know BBH has two dogs💀 There's Lucy and Gambit...Well now I know that. But for the sake of the story, let's pretend Gambit doesn't exist just like BBH has no room mate in the story as well :D

Alex starts off, "This challenge is a more physical one. So the couple's will have one person blindfolded and the other on of the sideline. And they have to direct them to find three animals we hid around here. Whoever get's their three animals back to me first wins the point." 

"Do you want to be blindfolded or direct me?" Skeppy asks Bad. 

"I think I should direct you. If I were blindfolded you might make me walk into the pool." Bad replies. 

Skeppy laughs, "I wouldn't do that. But still alright sounds good." 

"Ok now put your blindfold on your partner and get them to the starting place." Alex says. 

Karl and Skeppy were blindfolded while Sapnap and Bad stood next to them. 

"Ok so Bad and Skeppy have the dog stuffies and Sapnap and Karl have the foxes. Now you can start!" Alex says. 

Bad and Sapnap both try their hardest to direct their partner to the objects. Karl and Sapnap get one fox and rake it back to Alex. 

"Karl has brought one of three stuffies back to me! Skeppy still hasn't so Bad needs to help him some more or something." Alex says. 

Bad groans, "Skeppy! Just go to your right by three steps and then backwards 2 steps." 

"Im trying but theres no stuffy here!" Skeppy complains. 

"Its right in front of you now on the floor!" Bad says. 

Skeppy gets on the floor and starts searching around with his hands. He grabs the stuffy and shouts, "I GOT IT!" 

"Great! Now just go back to Quackity by turning around and going about ten steps forward... And now go right until you reach him." Bad instructs. 

Skeppy hands the stuffy to Alex and Bad keeps directing him. They get the next stuffy while Sapnap is struggling with Karl. 

"Skephalo need just one more before they win!" Alex shouts. 

"Come on Karl, your so close!" Sapnap says. 

But as he says that, Skeppy and Bad are getting their last object to Alex. Skeppy hands it to Alex and takes his blindfold off to start cheering and jumping. 

"SKEPHALO WON!" Alex says. 

Sapnap and Karl sigh, "Its fine dude." 

"Yeah. At least we're hotter and younger than them." Karl says. 

Bad laughs, "You guys are jealous we won!" 

"Yeah we're the better ship!" Skeppy exclaims. 

He hugs Bad and picks him up spinning him around. "You muffin head, put me down!" Bad says. Skeppy keeps spinning him like crazy and eventually does put him down. 

"Sorry Bad. But we won!" Skeppy says. 

"Yeah. Good job Skeppy!" Bad says. 

Skeppy smiles and goes up to Alex, "Whats our prize?" 

"Um...You both get...I don't know. I didn't have a prize planned!" Alex laughs. 

Bad shrugs, "Thats fine. I have my prize right here." He hugs Skeppy and Skeppy hugs back, "Thanks Bad." 

"But I do have something for the losers! They have to jump in the pool!" Alex says. 

Skeppy, Bad, and Alex laugh as Karl and Sapnap frown and take off their shoes and important clothing pieces. They make cannonballs as they jump in. 

"I actually don't hate this." Sapnap says. 

Karl swims around, "The water is nice. You guys should come in!" 

"I'll be right back." Alex says. 

"Wanna go in the pool?" Skeppy asks Bad. 

Bad shrugs, "Sure. But i'm gonna change first." 

"Same." Skeppy responds.

They go to their room change and come back out. Sapnap, Karl, Alex, Wilbur, Ant, Puffy, Velvet, Techno, and Charlie were all in the pool. 

"Woah, when did everyone get out here? Did we really take that long to change?" Skeppy asks.

Bad sighs, "I guess so. Probably from you not being able to choose what to wear." 

"Hey, I have some fire trunks and I'm indecisive at times." Skeppy defends. 

Bad smiles, "Yeah sure." 

"Whatever. Let's go in the pool now!" Skeppy says and drags Bad with him. They get in and chill on the wall just talking to each other. 

"How'd you get those questions right today?" Bad asks Skeppy. 

"What do you mean?" he says confused. 

"Like how'd you know the answers?" Bad repeats. 

Zak shrugs, "Cause I knew them, duh." 

"I know that Skeppy obviously.  But how'd you know them?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy sighs, "Cause your my best friend. Do I seem like not enough of a good best friend to not know such simple stuff about you." 

Bad shrugs, "I dont mean it like that. Im just a little surprised you remember that stuff about me." 

"Of course I do. I love you Bad." Skeppy says. 

They both look away from each other and get flustered. 

"You know, like-like love you bro, right?" Skeppy says. 

Bad nods his head, "Yeah I get that. I love you too bro." 

Their conversation falls silent as they both look around the pool awkwardly. Neither of them wants the other to see how flustered they are right now. 

"I think i'm going to get out the pool before I turn into a fish." Bad says. 

"Alright, I'll see you inside later or something." Skeppy says. 

"Yep." Bad responds. 

He swiftly get's out the pool and grabs a towel to go inside. 

After taking a shower and changing, he goes to check on the dogs; which were in Techno's room. He opens the door and peeps inside, "Hey guys. Just checking on you doggo's." The dogs get up from their sleeping positions and rush over to Bad to get pet. "Awww, I love you all so much!" Bad coo's. 

The dogs follow bad out of the room and over to his own room. He closes the door and play's with the dogs because Rat, Rocco, and Floof are adorable. 

"It doesn't look like Skeppy will come in any time soon, so we can just go to sleep." Bad says. He get's up and changes into pj's to be comfy. After doing his night routine like brushing teeth and stuff, he get's in bed. 

The dogs pile around him and beg to be pet while bad tries to sleep. "I'm trying to sleep doggo's." Bad complains. He stops petting them and the dogs start whining to be pet again. "Fine." Bad huffs. He starts petting them again and goes to sleep while doing so. 

The party outside had calmed down by now and everyone was tired and cleaning. Skeppy throws away the last cup and says, "Goodnight guys." Everyone says goodnight to each other and head inside. 

He goes into the room and see's Bad asleep with the cutest dogs ever. He can't help but melt at the sight. 

Skeppy takes a shower and changes to his pj's. "*Yawn* That was so embarrassing today." Skeppy thinks back to the pool earlier with Bad. "Should I sleep in the living room?" Skeppy questions. 

But he shakes it off, "That would seem weird. I think Bad bought my excuse anyway. Time to sleep." He get's in bed and closes his eyes to immediately sleep. 

Word Count: 1212

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