28. Menu

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The two of them get ready and leave quickly so no one questions them. "So, where do you wanna go?" Bad asks.

"Can we stop at Publix or something quickly. And after that we can decide where to go." Skeppy says.

"Alright. Do you need something?" Bad asks.

Skeppy nods, "I can go in and grab it real quick. Don't bother parking the car cause i'll be fast. Don't wanna keep you waiting."

Bad shrugs and smiles, "Sounds good."

Bad pulls over to the side of Publix while waiting for Skeppy to go in and out. A few minutes pass and there's a knock on the door. So Bad unlocks it once he see's Skeppy's bright smile. He holds out something in his hand towards Bad.

"What's this?" Bad asks while taking it from him.

Skeppy smiles, "I know their your favorite, so I wanted to get it before our date."

Bad takes in the pretty look and the nice smell of the delphiniums. "I love them. Thank you so much Skeppy." Bad says.

Skeppy smiles in response, "Your welcome Bad. So where would you like to go?"

Bad thinks for a moment, and then it seems like an idea struck his brain. "We should go to that place we can see from the rooftop!" Bad says.

"Oh that sounds great! That place looked so nice." Skeppy says.

They find the location and plug it into the gps to go. Bad parks the car and they both get out. Bad walks around the front of the car to where Skeppy was waiting for him. He hesitantly holds Skeppy's hand. But once Skeppy intertwined their fingers, Bad felt more relaxed.

They walk in and were happily greeted by the hostess. It seem's like she might recognize them, but could also just be hospitality? Don't know. But they don't really care right now either. Bad and Skeppy are both excited to be on a date, together!

They ask for a table for two on the terrace and are taken there. The restaurant was nice and clean. The employees were all kind people and seemed to be working great. Besides the light chatter from the customers, it was peaceful out on the terrace. Both of them take their seats and get some water. The waitress nods and tells them she'll be back soon.

Bad looks at the menu and looks up to see how Skeppy is doing. He can see the frustration on Skeppy's face. "What's wrong? Cant' choose what to eat?" Bad asks.

Skeppy sighs, "All these look good and I cant pick! Having this many options is not helping my mind right now!"

Bad laughs at Skeppy's frustration.

"Well Mr. laughing pants, what are you going to get?" Skeppy asks.

"Ummm, I don't know. I have some ideas but they all do look good." Bad replies.

"Why don't we choose for each other?" Skeppy suggests.

Bad smiles, "Ok, so I already know some things I can cross off for you because you are a picky eater."

"I'm not that picky." Skeppy mumbles.

Bad sarcastically smiles, "Yes. YES you are."

Skeppy gives a sarcastic laugh and says, "Yeah sure I am."

They sped time looking at the menu and talking about how good each dish sounds until the waitress comes back again. "You guys ready to order?" she asks. Both of them nod. The waitress looks at Bad and waits for a response.

Bad says, "So we're actually going to order for each other. So for him it'll be...the flatbread appetizer with mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, and spinach. And also a grilled chicken margarita."

The girl writes it all down and says, "Alright! And what would you like to order for him?"

Skeppy looks down at the menu and back up, "For him, some cheese fries and steak alfredo."

(A/N: I looked at olive gardens menu💀but to be clear this isn't Olive Garden. Also, I don't know much about their food preferences besides BBH likes cheese fries, and Skeppy hates pickles. Also Skeppy can't handle spice. But besides that, I just chose stuff idk.)

"Alright! And do you guys want any drinks besides water?" she asks.

Bad smiles, "May I get a glass of lemonade?"

She smiles back, "Of course. Anything for you?"

Skeppy shakes his head and says, "I'm good with water, thank you."

(A/N: Pls don't come for this girl if anyone thinks of it in a bad way. She's just being friendly, not flirting with them. To make that clear.)

"Sounds good. I'll bring the drinks and appetizers shortly!" she says. The boys thank her and she goes inside.

The two start conversation about their future plans content wise. Like next time they wanna film a video, do a vlog maybe, maybe another q&a? Just talking about things like that. And on a date it's proper not to talk about your job/work. But they basically work together anyway so they find it like normal, comfortable talk.

The lemonade and appetizers get to the table. They than the waitress again and she goes back inside. They eat while making conversation. About fifteen minutes later and the girls comes back out carrying two plates. She set's down the chicken in front of Skeppy, and the steak in front of Bad.

"Enjoy!" she says.

The boys thank her again and start eating.

"This is so good." Bad says.

Skeppy nods, "Yeah. It looked good on the menu, but it tastes even better."

"Why'd you get me cheese fries? I love them, just how'd you know?" Bad asks.

Skeppy smiles, "I know you love them. And luckily they offer it here."

"Yeah. Their REALLY good. Try one!" Bad says.

He get's a fry on his fork and holds it near Skeppy. Skeppy bites the fry of the fork and eat's it. "Wow that is good. They even made cheese fries so good!" he says. Bad smiles in response.

They share their food with each other and talk about whatever they want. They both finish their food and the waitress takes the empty plates off the table.

"Want any dessert?" Skeppy asks.

"Can we go get ice cream and go to the park or something?" Bad says.

Skeppy say's, "Sounds great to me! Let's pay the check and we can go to the ice cream parlor." Bad smiles in response.

They split the check and leave the nice restaurant, definitely wanting to come back another day.

Word Count: 1106

A/N: Lmk if they should have nicknames for each other. And if not, i'll just keep them using their names. And the occasional muffin nickname.

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