18. Muffins

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The next morning, Bad get's up and feel's tired from all the work he completed yesterday. He look's to the side and Skeppy was typing away on his laptop. It doesn't look like Skeppy slept much, maybe not at all. 

"Have you gone to sleep?" Bad asks. 

"I did for like an hour or something." Skeppy replies. 

"You need to get more sleep Skeppy. How many times do I have to tell you." Bad say's. 

Skeppy sigh's, "Fine. I guess I might need some sleep." 

But he continued working on his laptop anyway. So Bad gently took the laptop from Skeppy's lap and put it on his bedside table. 

"I need to finish that video." Skeppy whine's. 

"What you need is to go to sleep." Bad say's. 

Skeppy frown's and lay's down in bed, "Fine." 

Bad smile's, "Great. Sweet dream's Skeppy." 

He get's out of bed ad change's before leaving the room. He look's at Skeppy before leaving and see's how fast he went to sleep. 

When he leaves the room, he can smell something in the air. It was a sweet scent, but also weird. Bad walk's to the kitchen and see's George in an apron. 

"Uh..What are you doing George?" Bad asks. 

George turn's around frustrated, "I'm trying to make something, but it's not working. I don't know what i'm doing wrong." 

"I can help if you want." Bad suggest's. 

George look's at his kitchen mess and nod's, "Yes please. Thank you Bad." 

"What are you trying to make?" Bad asks. 

George show's Bad his bowl, "I'm trying to make banana pudding." 

"Why banana pudding out of everything?" Bad asks. 

"...Dream loves banana pudding...So I wanted to make some for him, and everyone else of course." George replies. 

"Aww that's adorable. And nice of you to make some for everyone else too." Bad say's. 

George sigh's, "It would be if I could figure out how to make this." 

Bad smile's, "Well i'm here to help now. I haven't made banana pudding, but I have made other pudding before. So here's how you should've started..." 

An hour later and George and Bad had made the pudding and cleaned the kitchen. 

"This smell's good now." George say's. 

"Yep. Now we just have to let it cool. Let's put it in the fridge." Bad say's. They take the cup's of pudding and place them in the fridge to cool. 

"What should we do now?" George asks. 

"I don't know. The pudding is basically done, just need's cooling, so just do what we want now I guess." Bad replies. 

"Alright. I'm going to go get some sleep then. I'm tired after all of this." George say's. 

"Alright. Sweet dream's George." Bad say's. 

George take's off his apron and goes to his and Dream's room. Most of the house was asleep or just hanging in their room's right now. So Bad was left in the kitchen to chill alone. 

"I kinda feel like baking." he say's to himself. Bad look's in the pantry and see's that he has everything needed to make muffin's. 

"Should I go chocolate chip or blueberry? Why not both." he shrug's. Bad prepares his own large muffin batter and separates it into two bowl's; one for chocolate chip's and one for blueberries. 

He get's out muffin pan's he luckily found in the kitchen. "These are perfect!" he say's. Bad pour's the batter into the little cup's and places them into the hot oven. 

He chill's on a chair with his phone while waiting for the muffin's to bake pan by pan. He made sure to make large batter so he could have lot's of muffin's. The aroma of the delicious treat's filled the house. 

Velvet, Karl, Alex, Ant, and Puffy come out of their room's and follow the scent to the kitchen. "Who's baking in here?" Puffy asks. They see Bad waiting near the oven. 

Bad look's up from his phone, "Oh hey guy's." 

"What did you make Bad?" Karl asks. 

"Some muffin's for everyone. And there's banana pudding that George made. But their both not ready yet." Bad replies. 

"Smell's really good." Ant say's. 

"Thank you." Bad respond's. 

They all hang out around the kitchen talking and making plan's. 

"When are your muffin's going to be done?" Velvet asks. 

"Soon. Just a few more minutes." Bad replies. 

And after baking all of them, Bad place's them onto multiple plate's to showcase it. "Their done! But they are hot so eat it carefully." Bad say's. 

Everyone grab's a muffin and enjoy's it. Soon the whole house was awake and everyone flocked to the kitchen for the sweet smell. 

"This is really good Bad." Charlie say's 

"Thank you." Bad respond's. 

Skeppy was last to come out of his room and he walk's right next to Bad. "I go to sleep for a few hour's and you make muffin's without me?" Skeppy say's. 

"Well you needed some sleep. And I wanted to make treat's for everyone while I was bored." Bad respond's. 

Skeppy grab's a muffin and eat's a piece, "These are good Bad. And next time, I wanna bake with you, so don't bake without me." 

"You'd probably burn the whole place down." Bad say's. 

"No I would not!...Maybe, but I wouldn't if I have you to help. You could even teach me and then one day I can make you muffin's." Skeppy say's. 

Bad sigh's, "Alright, i'll try to teach you some other time." 

Bad goes to the fridge and open's it to check the pudding. "Oh the pudding's are done as well." Bad say's. 

George get's up and look's with Bad, "Wow those look good." 

"Yeah, good job George." Bad say's. 

"Thank's for the help Bad." George say's. 

Bad smile's in response and both of them start taking out pudding for everyone. (A/N: Yes they are having dessert for breakfast. And what about it?) Everyone takes their spoon's and dip into the pudding to try it. 

"This is amazing George!" Dream say's. 

George smile's, "Thank you Dream." 

"Did you make this just for Dream? I know he loves it." Sapnap say's with a smirk. 

George roll's his eyes, "I made it for all of you." 

"Yeah, sure..." Karl say's. The fiances start giggling. 

Dream smile's at George, "Thank's babe, I love it." (A/N: If Dream should call George smth else just write it in the comments por favor.) George smile's back and sit's next to Dream to share some of Dream's pudding. 

The day goes by like normal and everyone was just hanging out. 

"Wanna film a video?" Skeppy asks Bad. 

Bad shrug's, "Sure. What's the video?" 

"A Q and A." Skeppy replies. 

They get up from the living room and go to their room.

Word Count: 1138

A/N: I hate college. This shit is not fun. Also happy late b day BBH :D love BBH

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