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I had to listen to Acacia complain about me leaving her alone. We were walking behind JoJo, but Acacia was more concerned in criticizing me. She blamed me for being stuck with nerdy theatre kids. Apparently, some guys kept staring at her, so she was blaming me for their roaming eyes. I asked if they did anything inappropriate, but she was more annoyed that they looked at her.

I told her everyone always looks at her, causing her to blush. She then told me she wanted me to stay with her. I was so lost with this girl. Our heads snapped in JoJo's direction when we heard her giggle. Acacia immediately blushed and looked away. JoJo then gave me a wink, causing me to groan. Acacia harshly elbowed me at my rudeness.

JoJo took us to the library and tasked us with rearranging the books. Yes, it was like an impossible feat since the library was massive. Acacia pointed me in one direction and told me not to come near her. I rolled my eyes and began the task assigned to us.

I was admiring the interior while opening the boxes. It had a fairytale-like decor. Well, it didn't live up to the library in the chateau, but it was pretty damn close. I wonder if my aunts got the inspiration from the chateau. It would make sense since there were two floors in this massive building. I shrugged and began ripping off the shrink wrap.

When I heard Acacia silently curse, I placed the book down. I could feel her distress, so I walked over to her. I was shocked to see her on the ground. She had her head against her knees. Her body was shaking and I could hear her sniffles. Why was she crying? I slowly approached and crouched next to her.

I glanced around and saw that some of the books had toppled to the ground. It looked like she had been trying to place the books on a higher shelf and then the books toppled over. I guess she was mad that she'd have to do extra work to put the books back?

"What's wrong?"

"It's- everything is overwhelming!" She cried. "I'm being groomed to rule an empire and I don't think I'm capable of such responsibility." Okay, so this has nothing to do with books.

"Why do you say that?"

"My parents are fixed in their ways! They're so rigid! And I've been groomed to do whatever they want with no deviation! I-I get flustered when things don't go according to plan. Even when the most minuscule thing is out of its norm, I panic! Take the transfiguration spell. When I didn't anticipate you touching it, I freaked and forgot how to perform the spell. I'm not composed under pressure."


"My parents are so disappointed in me." My heart broke when I saw her pained eyes. "They sent me here so I could hone my skills since I wasn't up to par back home." She sniffled. "The-They want me to be this person that I am not! I've been so steeped in tradition all my life and I just desire to... to break free or experience some sort of freedom." Her voice was strained.

"Look, I don't understand the responsibilities associated with being a princess." It was true since my parents never made me do anything. They took all the responsibilities, leaving me to be free. "But what I do know is that every kingdom needs a strong ruler. You're determined and strong. You'll be perfect as the new monarch. You just have to stop doubting yourself and believe in your capabilities." She looked up at me.

"How can you say that? Y-You don't even know me." She breathed out.

"I may not know you that well... but I just have that feeling." I looked into her eyes.

"I feel like I'm letting everyone down." She sighed and looked away. "I'm betrothed, but..." My breath hitched since she actually mentioned being engaged. She turned and looked at me. She seemed to snap out of her daze since she stood up. "Thanks for... everything." She absentmindedly waved her hand around. "We should get back to organizing." She then walked away.

I sighed and stood up. I thought we were having a moment, but I guess not. I began organizing the books based on the Dewey decimal system. I smiled when I picked up the Iliad . I've always enjoyed adventure stories, so I decided to read it while organizing the books. I spelled the book, where my mum's voice would be reading the pages aloud. Sort of like an audiobook where my mum is narrating.

It must've been interesting to watch as the book floated behind me. I saw some more books that were my maman's favorite. I decided to check those books out and read them later. I caught a glimpse of Acacia. She looked incredibly depressed. I then saw her friends enter the library.

They approached Acacia and brought her in for a hug. Acacia's shoulders were shaking, so I knew she was crying. I then saw Tatia and Cara staring daggers at me. I quickly looked away and began rearranging the shelves. I quirked a brow at the Alice in Wonderland book. I remember overhearing my moms talk about how the book was like a psychedelic trip. I skimmed the back when I heard an annoyed voice.

"Excuse me." I looked up to see Tatia and Cara.

I quickly snapped my fingers, pausing the audiobook. I allowed the book to flop into my hands. I then gave the two girls my undivided attention.

"You're really getting on my last nerve here." Tatia began. "Because of you, Acacia has become borderline depressed-"

"Well, we can't blame it all on her." Cara interrupted. "What we're trying to say is that we'd appreciate it if you were more gentle with her. She's incredibly fragile."

"Especially with the dinner coming up." Cara elbowed Tatia. "Just leave her alone."

"She's the one who approaches me, though." I commented.

"Well, don't piss her off then!" Tatia then left.

"Sorry about her. She's really protective of us." Cara chuckled. "I'm Cara by the way, but you already knew that." I shook her hand. "No need to tell me your name, Zena. We all know it." She smiled and then left.

I was so confused about what the hell was going on. I had no interest in organizing the books anymore. I did a spell that organized all the books. I then exited the building and walked along the lush lawn. I stopped when I heard my name being called.

I smiled when I saw Inara running to me. She hunched over and began breathing hard. I laughed when she held up a finger.

"Someone's out of shape." I laughed when she glared at me.

"We're going to the ocean. Do you wanna come? I know you wanted to see Xav and my-"

"Duh!" I grabbed her hand and led her away.

"Zena?" I hummed a reply. "The ocean is the other way." She laughed.

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