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I can't believe I allowed Nyx to blindfold me. She promised nothing bad would happen, but I could hear uncertainty in her voice. Where the hell are they taking me?! I could feel another presence in the room... this person felt cold and dark. I began to shiver when I got closer to the person.

"Try not to die." I heard Nyx say.

"Is that for me or my guest?" I heard a sexy English accent. "You can leave us." I heard grumbling and then the reluctant footsteps of Ken and Nyx. "And you can take the blindfold off, beautiful." I blushed and took it off.

I blinked a few times to get my eyes adjusted. My eyes then widened at the sexy woman in front of me. She merely smirked and sipped her blood red wine. I felt like she was undressing me with her eyes as well as determining if I was a threat or not. I began to squirm under her intense gaze. She chuckled and sat back.

"W-Why did you want to see me?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"I was curious to see who all the fuss was about... and you certainly did not disappoint my eyes." I blushed again and looked down. "Don't look down... otherwise I can't see your beautiful eyes." She tilted my head up, so I met her eyes.

"Now that you've seen me, can I go and you-"

"So soon?" She groaned. "But we haven't done anything fun yet." She suggestively said and moved closer to me. "Sit." She yanked me onto the couch.

"Will you help the light angels against the demons?" I pleaded with her.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes. I shook my head no. "I'm a demon." My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." She laughed. "Or you could keep it open and wrap your lips around my bud." I began coughing while she chuckled at her dirty joke.

"I'm good." I coughed out. "Why would they come to a demon to ask for you to help annihilate demons?" I was beyond confused at Ken and Nyx's reasoning. "Do you serve the dark queen?" The woman hissed her teeth in offense.

"No." She spat. "I'm royalty in my own right... I should actually be regarded with more respect than that excuse of a queen." I'm guessing she doesn't like her. "She's an insult to the title of royalty."

"What are you the royalty of?"

"My name is Kikimora." She paused like I should know who she is from her name. She laughed and spoke. "I'm the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith." My mouth dropped again at the news. "I assume you know who my parents are." She smirked when I nodded. "They aren't happy about the demon uprising that's resulted from Lilitu's propaganda. It's posing a threat to order in our realm."


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