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My eyes widened when they settled on the Queen. She was absolutely stunning, but then again she was a literal angel. I didn't want to appear creepy, so I looked at Ken. She gave me a reassuring smile before walking to her mother. They began speaking in a different language. I looked over to Acacia. She felt my gaze, so she turned to address me.

(Queen Adira)

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(Queen Adira)

"They're speaking in Latin and Greek." Acacia then looked around the room. "They also know every language, so be careful what you say." She winked at me.

"How's that-"

"We need to know how to speak to people we wish to guide on the right path." I turned to the Queen. "So you're the child that gave the species a scare." She mused.

"Seems the same way with Ken." She smiled at my comment. "Sorry... am I supposed to bow or-"

"Do not worry about that." She waved it away. "I've been curious to meet you ever since your parents denied me the chance." I raised a brow. "Yes, the vampire was especially adamant about not speaking to you." She chuckled. "Seems like her wishes weren't destined to come true." She smirked.

"I assume they were trying to protect me from the war." I defended my maman.

"I meant no disrespect." She stood. "You may all leave." She motioned the guards and other people out. "Nice to see you again, elven princess." She greeted Acacia.

"I assume you didn't have that same disposition with Eris, your majesty." Acacia bowed in respect. "I apologize for the infractions she's committed against your kind."

"No need to take the blame for your sister's actions." The Queen dismissed Acacia's worries. "Now, how'd you come to meet my daughter?" Ken turned and spoke to her mother quickly. "I see. You've been here before." She turned to me.

"Ya." I smirked when Ken desperately looked at me to not tell her mother what happened. "Ken helped to bring me back to my world." I focused my attention on the Queen. "And then her and Nyx assisted us out of the isle of lost tears-"

"Souls!" Ken and Nyx corrected.

"Ya, that place! And I think his name is Yugi..." They nodded at me. "He helped to heal and restore my magic-"

"How'd you lose it in the first place?" Nyx inquired.

"Dumbass Naomi." Acacia stated.

They were looking at her, like they were waiting for her to continue. I rolled my eyes when I realized Acacia wasn't going to expand. That was literally her answer. I then explained to them about how we ended up in Japan and then why we entered Helvegen.

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