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The elves looked at us when we passed. They smiled and bowed in recognition of their princess. They would then stare at me in wonder. They were probably wondering who I was to Acacia. She led me past the villagers and to the wooden bridge. My head fell back as I stared in awe at the structure. The human realm was nowhere as nice as these other realms.

When we crossed the bridge, the guards smiled warmly at Acacia. They then sized me up. Acacia said something to them in a different language. They immediately stiffened and bowed to me in apology. I glanced at Acacia, but she just gave me a knowing grin. A maid then ran towards Acacia and gave her a hug.

Acacia smiled and pulled back. The woman must've been in her 50s. She warmly smiled at Acacia and wiped a tear from her eye. The two then began speaking in their native tongue. I smiled at seeing Acacia happy to be home. She made it sound like she hated her home, but it seemed that everyone loves her here. I don't know why she was hesitant to enter the realm.

The woman then motioned at me. I smiled and waved back to her. Acacia blushed and mumbled something. The woman gave her a knowing look and teased her some more. I'm guessing she was teasing her based on Acacia's reddened cheeks.

"My name is Tgeorina." She smiled at me. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She bowed to me.

"Oh, no need to bow." I bowed back to her. "It's nice to meet you as well."

She then squealed and gave me a hug. I stiffened in shock, but quickly hugged her back. Acacia was hitting her in the arm while whining. Tgeorina just chuckled and said something to Acacia before leaving.

"I guess she was excited to see you." I spoke to her.

"Yea." She dreamily said.

"I assume the feeling is mutual." She nodded with a smile. "So this is where you grew up?" I motioned at the palace.

"Basically." She chuckled and pulled me along. "I want to show you my favorite places in the palace!"

I chuckled and followed along with her excitement. We were rounding the corner when I felt a presence. Acacia was too distracted telling me all the things she wanted to do. I then heard a movement overhead. I yanked Acacia back just before a guy swung in front of us. Acacia jumped into my arms. When she calmed down, she glared at the boy.

"Ha! I totally got you!" He was hanging upside down from the branch. "You should've seen your face!"

"Go away, Finn!" Acacia did a spell that caused the branch to snap. Finn screamed as he dropped to the ground.

"Totally uncool." Finn groaned.


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"I'f you're here, then..." Acacia pulled me out the way of a guy flying into me. The guy's eyes widened before he ran into the wall. "And that's Kai." Acacia motioned to the boy in pain. "Those two idiots are my brothers."

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