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We silently trekked through the forest. As we got farther and farther from the palace, I began to wonder if I was doing the right thing. I knew I had to leave Acacia for my own sanity, but was it the right choice to go with Eris into the most dangerous part of the realm? I don't understand why she was so eager to take me herself. I thought she would've highly encouraged me to journey alone, so I was surprised when she offered to travel with me.

"I feel like you're trying to kill me." I ducked under a branch.

"Why do you say that?" She spoke over her shoulder.

"Based on your track record, I don't have high hopes for you." I admitted.

"My track record?" Eris turned around. "Who are the biased people?" She hummed.

"Well, your family for starters." She nodded. "And then my family... and my friends... and the angels." She began laughing. "The reviews aren't high for you."

"I'll defend myself and say they didn't know my motivations." She turned around and continued walking.

"What were your intentions?"

"The betterment of my people..." She faced me. "Is that so wrong?" I shook my head. "It may be selfish of me, but I know they are all looking out for their kind's best interest. It's only fair for me to do the same." She shrugged.

"So betraying Nyx and Ken was for your kind's survival?" I quirked a brow.

"That was a a personal vendetta." She laughed. "Don't tell me they're seriously upset about being thrust into Helvegen?" She laughed at my stoic expression. "Did you know that some fairies live in the light realm?"

"No, but I don't see how that's-"

"I don't know if you ever walked around, but the people who are the beggars and street vendors tend to be fairies. They're treated as second class citizens while the angels take the most desirable positions. They claim I adversely worked against them in the council, but I was looking at things that benefited the fairies. I pushed back and didn't passively go along with their wishes, like they previously thought. I was originally brought on as a facade for the fairies. The angel's intentions were to have a fairy on the council so their citizens thought their voices would be heard when in actuality they had no interest in doing any fairy reform." Her mouth formed a thin line. "Light angels aren't as glamorous when you know the politics behind everything, huh?"

"Seems like neither of you guys were working together, but for the interest of your own species."

"Yes, I made decisions that would benefit my race." She made a step towards me.

"Seems like you believe your race to be superior." I raised a brow.

"At least you get it now." She took a step back and turned around.

"And what about betraying Ken and Nyx?"

"You call it betraying while I call it giving an encouraging shove." She glanced at me. "The barrier had changed to a demon realm and the Queen wanted to explore it. She was looking to give the order to her soldiers rather than have her child or herself actually go on this dangerous trip. Because of that, I pushed Kennedy and Soleil into the realm. I didn't calculate or know that the realm would disappear after they entered it. I knew the light angels would think I meant to kill the two, so I left since I knew they wouldn't listen to me." She looked away. "It was meant to scare them, not trap them."

"If you're so innocent, why not try and tell them instead of running away?"

"I already told you! They won't listen to me. That ship has sailed." I noticed she looked regretful about her actions.

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