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I have no idea why we were following the devils into Lilitu's realm. Nyx put up a major stink, but the devils offered to simply leave her in Hel. It was a little entertaining to see the steam leaving Nyx's ears. I ignored them and moved to Acacia. She was observing Lilitu's realm with trepidation. I brought her hand to my lips and promised to protect her with my life. Unfortunately, my action only seemed to scare her more than actually reassure her. She was worried that I'd actually die to protect her. I reiterated that was true, but she kept shaking me and stating that I couldn't die. I mean I told her I didn't want to die, but wouldn't hesitate to protect her. Acacia then began whining that I can't leave her in this world alone. Um...

"You really have the worst taste in company." Erana looked at Kikimora.

"I did bring you though." Kikimora had a teasing smile on her face.

"That just reaffirms your terrible taste in friends." She laughed with Kikimora.

"First off, we aren't friends!" They rolled their eyes at Nyx. "And are you insane?! Bringing the person who Lilitu desires to murder straight into her realm?! That's blatant suicide!"

"Lookie here." Erana jabbed Nyx's chest. "Your friends are in Lilitu's realm, so you have to go there if you want to save them."

"They aren't our friends." Nyx bitterly spoke. "We went as far as we could, Ken. We can't venture any farther." The devils actually glared at Nyx. They actually had an interest in rescuing our friends since they were also friends with them.

"Ken, please." I begged her. Ken was about to respond, but Nyx answered for her.

"The answer is no. Sorry Zena, but Kenny's safety is my number 1 priority and I refuse to allow her to do something as reckless as walk into the realm where her maniacal aunt waits." I sighed and nodded at Nyx. "The exit, Kikimora." She sharply addressed the devil.

"No manners when you're in my home." Kikimora hissed her teeth. "You're on your own if you wish to head back. Figure it out on your own." She smirked and continued towards the barrier.

"You are messing with the wrong person." Nyx's eyes glowed fuchsia. Huh, that's hauntingly pretty.

"You really think you can take me on?" Kikimora laughed. "Your small army of elites was no match for me, yet you... a pathetic demon believes she can challenge me." Her smile was sinister. "Well, let's go!"

My eyes widened as Kikimora showed her devilish form. Her flesh fell from her body as her size increased. She took on a disfigured form that was horrifying to the eyes. I watched as the horns grew while her blackened eyes locked on Nyx's pink eyes. There was fire protruding from the holes in Kikimora's body. Her true form looked terrifying, especially when she roared at Nyx. Nyx stood her ground, but I could sense her fear. Kikimora revealed her elongated claws that dripped with poison. She was about to slash at Nyx, but Ken quickly stepped in front of her girlfriend. I mimicked the action and pushed Acacia behind me. Erana laughed at the scene and moved out the way, so Kikimora's devilish form could threaten us.

"I think she gets your threat." Ken's voice shook a little.

"Please return to normal!" Acacia shouted from behind me.

"No problem." Kikimora immediately returned to her human counterpart. "So you were going home?" She innocently asked Nyx.

"Nope! That's the barrier, right? We're heading there right now!" Ken exclaimed.

"Guess we're not going home." Nyx mumbled.

I held Acacia's hand since I saw her tremble. Kikimora successfully scared the others into line. She quirked a brow at seeing me unbothered by her dramatic display of power. I averted my eyes and walked with Acacia towards the barrier. Erana assumed the role of guide and led us through the black landscape. Everything, even the sand, was entirely black. Kikimora fell to my side, causing Acacia to stiffen. I motioned for Acacia to go ahead with Ken and Nyx. She nodded and reluctantly left me with the devil.

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