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I woke up with my head on Acacia's chest. She noticed I was awake and pressed a light kiss to my brow. I moved to kiss her properly, but I winced. She chuckled when I looked down. My entire body was wrapped in bandages. I looked around and noticed we weren't in the dorms. In fact, this room looks awfully familiar.

"We're in the light realm." Acacia spoke. "You and Lara needed serious medical attention."

"How were the others?"

"My family suffered no injuries. We lost few and none were people we personally knew."


"She... we don't know." Acacia sighed. "They tracked her to Pennsylvania, but no one has made contact with her. It seems the girl she was worried about is fine, so..." Acacia shrugged. "I think they're sending an angel to check on her... I believe it's Ash, but I'm not sure."

"Got it."I fully sat up. "So all that's left is to return to Croatia." I stretched.

"I think the angels would like to send us off before we leave."

Acacia led me to the bathroom to freshen up. She had to help me bathe since I was still badly injured. I scoffed when she showed me a wheelchair. I refused to use anything besides Acacia. She giggled and gave me a piggyback ride.

Acacia walked us to the conference room. My parents were speaking with Adira and Ken. They stopped and sent me soft smiles. I waved, but then cursed at the pain. My maman chuckled and motioned me to sit next to her. She looked worse for wear, but still acted like everything was fine.

Ken rested her head on her father's shoulder. I saw Adira's hand firmly clasped in the man's hand. I get the impression they had been separated for a while. That's nice that they can finally reunite.

"Adira was telling us what happened to Lilitu." My mum spoke.

"Yes, Ajax and the guards placed the coffin in a secure vault. The key is also placed in an unknown location." Adira spoke. "Several fake copies of keys were made and distributed throughout the realms. Because of that, no one knows who has the real key, making the location hidden."

"That's good." I breathed out. "Any chance of her rising again?"

"One can never be certain, but it's impossible without the key." Nyx spoke. "I think we defeated her for real this time." She smiled.

"Thank God!" Ken exclaimed. "I can't imagine fighting her again."

"She's gone for good." My maman spoke. "I think it's time for us to return." She motioned for us to stand up.

"Yes!" Adira stood. "Thank you all for your help."

She smiled at my maman. My maman rolled her eyes and went to hug the woman. Adira smiled even wider and hugged her tight. Ken and Nyx came to give Acacia and I hugs.

"We're always here for you." Nyx smiled.

"Don't hesitate to ask... and maybe we can all get together again." Ken giggled.

"And don't forget to visit." I hugged them back.

"Thanks." Nyx spoke to Acacia.

"Anytime, demonic one." Acacia teased and hugged Nyx.

"Alrighty, elfy." Nyx rolled her eyes.

We spent the rest of our time saying farewell to the angels. After our goodbyes, we walked through the barrier. Yep, the barriers have been fixed and are back to their normal positions. That means that we can simply walk through the borders and they won't change or disappear on us again!

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