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Hailey and I went into a shaded area. We made sure no one was around when I opened a portal. We stepped through and landed outside the villa's gates. Hailey said she was gonna run up to France to see Sophie. I told her to come back tomorrow morning, so we could head back. She nodded and gave me a hug before speeding off.

I jumped over the gate and casually walked along the lawn. The security immediately came out, but chuckled when they saw it was just me. I waved at them and asked them to take me to my mum. I was told she was in the study doing work. I thanked them and walked to my mum.

"I understand Matt, but there must be something we can use to find the entrance." I leaned against the doorframe. "I'm having no luck over here. I think we can cross Europe and America off the list." She sighed and then looked at me. "I'll have to call you back. I have an unexpected guest." She smiled and ended the call.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." I smiled and hugged her.

"Of course not." She squeezed me tighter. "I'm excited for this surprise visit... have you been drinking?" She laughed.

I pulled back and smelled my breath. I laughed and nodded. She shook her head in amusement and led me to a couch. I rested my head on my mum's shoulder and played with her fingers.

"I missed you, little dove." She kissed the top of my head. "How is everything? Are you liking your new school?" I nodded. "Meet anyone special?" I could hear the amusement in her tone.

"Maman told you, didn't she?" Her laughter answered my question. "Acacia." I smiled.

"If it's any solace, I like the girl even though I haven't met her. She gets points since she's never been intimate with your maman." I rolled my eyes. "Now, what's bothering you about her?"

"She's very confusing and mean." I mumbled. "I know she's betrothed or whatever, but does she have to be so mean?" Tears were in my eyes. "It's like she doesn't care about my feelings." I sniffled. "After everything with Naomi, I didn't think my next mate would be so hostile." I looked down.

"You're hurting?"

"Yes."I sighed. "Both of them are hurting me." I looked away. "I know Acacia and I aren't together, but she could at least go a little easier on my heart. I don't have much to give and she's exhausting me." I took a breather. "She's acting like I purposely chose her as a mate."

"From what Lara has told me about Acacia's family, they are steeped in tradition. Before her conception, she was promised to a member of high society. Her family also wouldn't be for same sex relationships. I'm attributing her rudeness to internalized homophobia. I think she's terrified of how her family will react if she introduces you as her mate. That being said, she should never be treating you so poorly."

"Do you think I should move on from her? I'll just think of her as a crush." I commented.

"It's really hard since she's your mate and it's not easy to forego those feelings, unless you reject her." My mum's voice cracked when she said that. Did she have experience with my maman rejecting her? "I'm just shocked you have two mates."

"Me too." I humorlessly chuckled. "Oh, I almost forgot... Acacia kissed me." My mum jerked away to look at me. "Yeah, but she was drunk, so I didn't know if it-"

"Yeah, it definitely meant something." My mum settled back. "Did you feel a spark?" I nodded. "Hmm... so two more kisses to go."

"I guess so, but I don't see that happening again. She hates my guts."

"I highly doubt that... and Duomo caught your scent. Him and Ellio will burst through that door in 5 seconds." I smiled and turned to the door.

I laughed when Duomo threw the door open. He smiled and picked me up in his arms. He swayed me from side to side. I laughed when he placed me down. I then turned and embraced Ellio. I turned to my mum, resulting in her nodding. Duomo then squatted down to give me a piggyback ride. Ellio and him then raced out the compound.

They ran until we made it to the marketplace. I hopped off Duomo's back and ran to the street performers. Duomo came back with gelato for the three of us. We laughed and cheered the performers on.

When the performance was done, the three of us walked through the park. Ellio and I went to the swings while Duomo leaned against the metal structure. I began informing them of everything that happened. Duomo and Ellio wanted to punch Acacia's face in. I laughed and told them it wasn't that serious. They were also amazed I had two mates. Ellio asked if I wanted a poly relationship. I ordered Duomo to shove that stupid boy off the swing.

I laughed when Ellio landed with a thud. Duomo then took Ellio's swing and began swinging. I told them not to get their hopes up since I had a bad track record with relationships. There was no way Acacia would want to be with me since she was engaged. Ellio fell over at that information. Duomo nodded along when he found out Acacia was an elf.

"What's her last name?"

"I'm probably gonna butcher it, but I think it's pronounced Jørgensen?"

Duomo halted his swing and stared at me. Uh, oh. He had that same face when he found out about Naomi. I groaned and looked at him.

"Spill." I demanded.

"She's the daughter of a Grey and High elf. She's regarded as the highest in society. She's literally a big fucking deal in the elven society. I think she's betrothed to another High elf or something."

"So she wouldn't be with Z?" Ellio sat on the ground.

"I don't know how her parents would take to it." Duomo rubbed his forehead. "Grey elves are the most reclusive of elves and perceive certain species as lesser than. Her mother is the one who comes from the more impressive background. Acacia isn't the eldest child, but she's more proficient in magic than her other siblings. That's why she's the heir." He concluded.

"So her dad is the High elf?" Duomo nodded at Ellio's question.

"So her mom is the issue." We laughed at my comment.

"I think her mom would put up the most resistance to your union." Duomo stated. "Wait! You are aware of their culture and how marriage works, right?" I nodded. "Good! I don't think you're ready to get married just yet." I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder.

"She's an elf, so she should be good with a weapon, right?" Duomo nodded at Ellio. "I wonder what weapon she's the best with."

"The sword." They turned to me. "She tried to slice me up in class." I chuckled. "She failed, obviously... and that's the reason why we have detention like everyday."

We spent the remainder of the time discussing my gran-aunts. Duomo didn't know what they looked like, so I showed him the pic I drew of them. Duomo snatched my phone and practically drooled over my aunts. I hit him upside the head and snatched my phone back. Ellio laughed and told me that they were hot and for me to stop denying it. Duomo asked if they were single, causing me to use my magic to blast him away.

"Well, Lara is hot, so it makes sense she comes from a sexy family." I widened my eyes at Ellio's comment.

I got him back by snapping my fingers. He tilted his head in confusion until he began to feel heat all over him. I smirked as his clothes went up in flames. Duomo and I laughed as Ellio's hands slapped over his area. He blushed and began running back to the villa. Duomo and I were laughing at Ellio's pale butt cheeks.

I found it hysterical since you guys were like why did Zena leave?! She got scared and left?! I think it was really funny since Z just wanted to rant to her mum about her crazy love life. 

Now, I'm trying to see which one is scarier: a sober Acacia with a sword or a drunk Acacia with a sword? But I think we can all admit that Z is heavily whipped for the elf

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