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"Acacia, please wait." I jogged after her.

"Go away, heathen!" She snapped and refused to look at me.

"Can you please just give me a chance to talk to you." I grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" She ripped her arm from my grasp. "And I have nothing to say to you." She seethed.

"Well, I have plenty to say-"

"Oh, that you were playing with my feelings while you were fucking Naomi!" I cringed at her words.

"It wasn't what it looked like-"

"Zena, please don't insult me like that." She crossed her arms. "I was there. I saw you in bed with her. Are you really saying there wasn't anyone in that bed with you?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"I've heard enough." She turned on her heel, but I grabbed her arm. "What?!" She snapped.

"I thought I was in bed with you." I admitted, but she had a bored expression on her face.

"If you're going to lie, at least make it a little more believable." She pulled her arm back.

"I'm not lying. I'm telling-"

"Back off!" Tatia shoved me back. Cara and Natalie soon came to Acacia's side. They all glared at me in utter hatred. I sighed since I knew this wasn't going well. "Leave or I'll make you leave." Tatia allowed her irises to turn red.

"Acacia." I took a step forward, resulting in Tatia violently shoving me back.

"Now!" Tatia bared her fangs at me. "Or I won't hesitate to rip you apart!"

Cara flashed me her wolf eyes while Natalie allowed me to see her demonic eyes. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. Tatia made a threatening step towards me. Is she really gonna assault me in the middle of the courtyard? I glanced around and saw that we had an audience. The last thing I wanted was to stand out. I really need to fly under the radar, especially since people are trying to find the legendary daughter of Lara.

With a final sigh, I left the girls alone. I quickly walked away from the observing eyes. I was distracted thinking about my failure with Acacia, so I didn't see Harley or Madison appear. I was stunned when Harley pushed me against the wall. What now?

"Seems like your relationship with Acacia is over." She smirked.

"What's that to you?" I said with an edge to my voice.

I accidentally used too much strength when I shoved her away. Harley was thrown into the opposite wall. Madison's eyes widened in shock at my sudden display of strength. I tried to stutter out a reply, but the look of surprise on Acacia's friends rooted me in place. Acacia wasn't shocked since she knew I was part vampire, but she was aware that I brought unwanted attention to myself.

I picked up my bag and ran away from everyone. I stopped running when I was behind the school. There were a few people, but they weren't paying attention to me. I exited the school grounds and ran in the direction of my maman. She was currently speaking to someone in Russian. I don't know what they were saying, but my maman wasn't pleased. I waited until she finished speaking to the woman.


"Z?" She turned around. "What are you doing here, little one?" She smiled and walked over to hug me.

"I messed up!" She tilted her head in confusion. "I tried talking to Acacia, but she refused to speak to me. Then her friends shooed me away. I was walking down the halls and then Naomi's friends cornered me. Harley pinned me to the wall, so I shoved her back. But I used too much force and people saw and-"

"Calm down, petite chou." She hugged me. "You could always spin it as an adrenaline rush."

"An adrenaline rush that caused her body to crack the wall?" My maman's eyes widened. "Yeah... a little too much force."

"It's okay. I'll think of something."

I wrapped my arms around my maman. She smiled and tightened her embrace. I closed my eyes when I felt her kiss the top of my head.


I jumped away from my maman at a shrill voice. My maman's brow arched in anger at the person who disrespected me. Unfortunately, I knew that bratty voice all too well. I took a big gulp before turning around to see Acacia angrily march up to me. My maman's arms were crossed and her eyes narrowed at Acacia. Right, she doesn't know what Acacia looks like. Before I could tell her this was the girl, Acacia straight up slapped me across the face. My maman growled and was about to strike her, so I held her back. Acacia didn't seem to notice my maman's pissed expression since she started yelling at me.

"I was worried about you, so I tried to find you! How stupid of me to be concerned about you when you're already finding solace in another woman's arms?!" Ahhh, so that's why she's mad. She thinks I'm with my ma- "I hate you!" That snapped me out my thoughts. "You played with my heart and made me care about you! Only for you to betray my trust, pretend that you want me back, and then go to someone else!" She was crying. "Fuck you, Zena!"

"I think I should give you two some time." My maman addressed me.

"No!" Acacia yelled. "You don't need to give us time because I'm done with her!" She wiped her tears. "Go back to your whores because I reject you!"

I grunted and clutched my chest. My maman's eyes widened in worry. She immediately wrapped her arms around me, so I wouldn't fall. Acacia was in pain, but the emotional pain distracted her from the physical pain. Also because I'm part wolf, I feel the rejection much more intensely than her. Acacia sniffled and then ran away from me.

My maman laid me on the ground while she hovered over me. I was seeing multiple versions of her. It felt like my head was spinning, threatening for me to back out. I held my heart, but my limbs were becoming numb. My maman looked around before biting her wrist. She poured her blood down my throat, but I coughed it back up. She cursed before picking me up.

She took me to the residence she was currently staying in. I heard her call Hailey and tell her to bring Franni. My maman quickly hung up the phone and sped to my side. I clutched her hand and squeezed it since the pain was overbearing. I felt sweat trickling down my forehead.

"It hurts." I whined to my maman.

"I know, little one." She kissed my hand. "Just hold on." When Hailey and Franni arrived, my maman addressed them. "Franz, her mate rejected her. I need help. And Hailey, check on Acacia. I'm sure she's going through similar symptoms now that she's calm."

Hailey nodded and left us. Franni began speaking to my maman super quickly. I couldn't follow since I felt like I wanted to die. Franni switched places with my maman and held my hand. My maman then began to perform several incantations. After the fourth one, I started to feel better. My hectic breathing began to even out and I stopped squirming in pain.

"I need your blood, petite chou."

My maman then used a blade to slice my wrist. She then collected it in a cup and sped out the room. Franni told me that my blood would heal Acacia and prevent any serious complications. I weakly nodded and closed my eyes. I felt Franni's thumb rub over my hand while I fell asleep.

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