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The demons were also trying to steal Harley and Mads, but we made a circle around them. We refused to allow the demons to take anymore of our friends. I tried to do a locator spell on them, but it proved void if they entered a different realm. Where did they take Naomi and Nat? We swiftly made our way back to the school grounds. The group split up to find the headmistresses and the campus security. Others went to notify Nat and Naomi's family.

I walked to my room to try and find Hailey or my maman. Unfortunately, they weren't in my room. I sharply exhaled and turned on my heel. Acacia refused to leave me, so I picked her up and sped her in the direction of my maman's scent. I kicked down a door to see my maman in the middle of having sex with my mum. Acacia gagged and looked away while I screamed.

My parents fell off the bed and quickly dressed themselves. They told us it was safe to look, but Acacia and I were being extra cautious. We eventually turned to see my mum brighter than a tomato. Well, this was surely a surprise visit. My maman was awkwardly rocking on her heels. She was still feeling weird about me exploding on her.

"Who's your guest, little dove?" My mum addressed me. She was being cautious about not revealing her relationship to me.

"Acacia." Acacia answered for herself and offered my mum her hand. "A pleasure to meet you..." Acacia waited for my mum to give her a name.

"Mia." She smiled and shook Acacia's hand. "This is L-"

"Millie... you remember her." I cut my mum off and turned to Acacia, who nodded at me. "Sorry for barging in, but some demons kidnapped my friends." My parents looked at me confused. "They attacked us and took Nat and Naomi." They then looked at each other. "We don't know where they're being taken."

"If it's demons, then the demon realm... or is it Lilitu" My mum wondered.

"Lilitu is possibly trying to build up an army." My maman stated. "Go back to your dorm." She ordered me.

"What? I want to help my-"

"Now, Zena." Her eyes flashed black. Acacia stiffen, so I pushed her behind me. I'm sure Acacia has an idea who Millie really is. "Don't make me tell you again." She said before she passed me.

"Just wait for us." My mum gave me a small smile before leaving.

I was pissed off, but it was no use staying in an empty room. I picked Acacia up again and sped her to my room. Hailey still wasn't here, so my maman must've called for her assistance. I felt helpless since my mate was missing and I was just sitting on my bed. I promised Naomi I'd save her, but here I was... doing NOTHING! I became even angrier at my maman.

"Z, are you okay?" She knelt in front of me.

"No." I sighed. "Naomi is gone and-" My voice cracked. "She could be hurting and I'm not there to save her." I cried. "I need her safe and sound." Acacia wrapped her arms around me. "I'm scared, Acacia."

"She's tougher than she looks." I looked up because I couldn't believe I heard Acacia actually say something positive about Naomi. "Quit looking at me like that." She rolled her eyes. "She's not all bad... mostly bad, but not all bad." I chuckled at her words. "It'll be okay."

"Thanks." I gave her a soft smile. "I know it's probably not easy hearing me worry about another girl." I guiltily said.

"It isn't, but I'll bear it for you." I smiled at her. "I do have a question." I nodded at her. "Millie isn't really Millie, is she?" I shook my head no. "Who is she?" I could hear her voice tremble.

"I think you know."

"I want you to tell me."

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to." I breathed out. "It's better to not have your suspicions confirmed."

She wanted to say something more, but a breeze entered our room. I quickly pushed Acacia behind me as two figures appeared in front of me. My shoulders relaxed when I saw it was only Nyx and Ken. Ken smiled and hugged me. I smiled and reciprocated the action.

"Thank God you're okay." Ken sighed out.

"We detected demons in the area, so we quickly sped to see if you were alright." Nyx stated.

"Physically I'm fine, but emotionally... I'm drained. Two of my friends were taken and we have no idea where they went." I looked down. "Where do demons go?"

"Either demon realm, dark realm, or- no they couldn't be there." Nyx mumbled.


"Hel." I flinched at the word. "I doubt they were taken there. I'm thinking this has to do with Lilitu if I'm being honest." She turned to Ken.

"How do we get them back?" Acacia spoke up.

"You can't seriously be considering journeying to the Dark Realm." Nyx laughed, but we weren't joking. "That's stupid."

"Then we're idiots. How do we get there?"

"There's no way I'm taking you guys there."

"And why not?! You're a demon, so you're familiar with that place!" Acacia was getting annoyed.

"Yes, I'm a demon, but I don't frequent many places in the Dark Realm! And I'm basically walking you guys into a lion's dead. That'd be incredibly reckless on my part."

"We don't care." Acacia defiantly said. "Tell us where to go."

"We wouldn't know." Ken interjected. "But maybe we could bring Zena to her." Ken hopefully said to Nyx, who immediately shut the idea down.

"She would never do anything out of the goodness of her heart. She has an ulterior motive for wanting to see Zena." Nyx stated. "You can't trust her."

"Trust who?" I spoke up.


"Saying her name will give her power." Nyx cut Ken off. "And that'd basically be like offering our friend like she's a sacrifice." Nyx reasoned.

"I don't care." I interrupted their small argument. "I promised Naomi I'd save her and I intend to keep that promise. Take me to this mysterious woman."

Nyx and Ken sighed since I wasn't backing down from this. Acacia, obviously, said that she'd be traveling with me. I didn't expect them to take me to Amsterdam, but why the hell not. We entered an upscale club and walked to the VIP section. The bouncers radiated demonic energy, but they backed down when Nyx flashed her eyes.

We were walking through the halls, but were stopped by more guards. One of them had a blindfold in their hands and pointed at me. Nyx rolled her eyes and grabbed the blindfold. I was shocked when she placed it over my eyes. We then continued walking, but I overheard Acacia protest. Apparently, she wasn't allowed to enter with me.

"It's okay." I spoke. "I'll just be gone for a few." I smiled. I gasped when I felt her soft lips grace mine. Unfortunately, the kiss was too short for my liking. "I'll be back, my love." I smiled and allowed my angelic friends to bring me through the doors.

I'm so happy bc a new character is gonna b introduced. Spoiler alert: the new character will play  a major role in the book

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