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I attempted to find Ken, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I wonder if she left the training realm. I walked towards Kiki, but saw her quickly jump through the portal. Well, if she's gonna do her own thing...

I made sure our trainers were distracted before jumping through the portal. I smiled at the familiar Croatian school. I picked up Acacia's scent and followed it to a private dorm building. I wonder if this is where the children of influential families stay. I saw a student leave the building, so I sped to catch the door.

I slipped inside and used the lift to arrive on the correct floor. I walked out the elevator and walked until I stood outside double doors. Based on the distance between Acacia's door and the others, I'm assuming she has a massive suite. I knocked on the door, but didn't receive a reply. Maybe no one is- nope! Someone is definitely here since I could hear Acacia screaming at an innocent person. Poor person.

I twisted the handle to open the door. Someone really needs to tell that feisty elf to lock her doors. I had to stop and marvel at the extravagant decor... only Acacia would expect 5 star service at school. I followed her shouty voice to her room. I leaned on the doorframe as she chewed someone out over the phone. She was in the middle of screaming when she saw me. It was adorable to see her embarrassed and awkwardly hang up.

"Pupu! How are you?" She blushed.

"Better now that I've seen you." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Who was the poor soul that was receiving your wrath?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"I was screaming at my brother because he was annoying me." She noticed my confusion. "Ya, Finn and Kai snuck into the human realm. My parents are gonna strictly punch them when they return home." She groaned. "And they somehow want me to soften the blow."

"And that's stressing you out?" She nodded and buried her face into my shoulder. "Isn't this a little uncomfy since you're so much taller than me?" I chuckled and played with her hair.

"I don't care." She mumbled into my neck. I started giggling since her mumbles were ticklish. She noticed and gave me a playful look. I started loudly laughing when she began her tickling assault. "Something wrong?" She smirked.

"Not fair! This has always been my greatest weakness!" I tripped onto her bed.

"Not my fault for your poor defense system." She straddled me to continue tickling my sides. "Say that I'm the best."

"You already know that." Acacia stopped and blushed at me. "And you're insanely beautiful." I smiled at her shy face.

She looked away, so I reached up to cup her face. She slowly looked at me with love. Acacia took me by surprise and pressed her lips against mine. I felt her roll her hips into mine. I moaned, causing Acacia to smirk against my lips.

Acacia tugged on the bottom of my shirt, so I lifted my arms up. She quickly took my shirt off and began kissing me again. I sat up, so I was in a sitting position. Acacia was on my lap and had to pull my face up since I was shorter than her. I ran my hands up and down her sides. I smiled when I felt Acacia shiver from the action.

I felt one of Acacia's hands drop from my cheek. I then felt her hand slip behind my back. I think she was trying to unhook my bra, but I could feel her shaky hand. I was confused why she was nervous about- oh... she's inexperienced and is scared she won't perform well. Why does she think I'll leave her if she isn't up to my standards? She'll always be up to my standards and even surpass them.

"Aqua." I pulled back to see her flushed face. My face softened at seeing her embarrassed. "We don't have to do anything else." I smiled. "I'm content with just making out with you." I smiled and hugged her.

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