[27] Uchiha Massacre

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Megumi pov

A murder of crows flew around me blocking my vision from anything else. When they cleared I was in the sky looking down at something.

The world moved and I found myself in the trees with Itachi and Shisui. They were talking in a rush. Shisui eye was missing. I couldn't hear a word either was saying but their expressions worried me.

Shisui was resolved to do something and Itachi was against it. But when Shisui makes up his mind it's rather impossible to change it. My surroundings changed again and we were on a cliff by the waterfall. Now both of Shisui's eyes were gone. He was holding one out to Itachi with a resigned look in his eyes.

"Tell Mei-chan... I'll be watching..." and with a smile he threw himself backwards.

No scream left me. Not a sound but I had moved. I moved as if reaching for him but his hands passed right through mine and he fell. My surroundings melted and the sky turned red as Itachi stood before me. But I knew, this still wasn't the real one.

He reached out to touch my face devoid of any and all emotions. He hid well but I still stared him in his eyes.

"Who...who made you do this...?" He paused eyes widening ever so slightly "Who made you...no, who is causing you to go through this much pain?" I cried silently not daring to break eye contact. "Tell me where you are, Tachi-nii. Please! Tell me where you are! Don't move another step Tell me where you are!! Please! Itachi!!"

"Gomen ne..." Chakra was forced into my body stilling it as Itachi poked my head and I was released. "Protect yourselves..." before I could move to look at him I felt him hit a point.

"Ita...chi..." I fell unconscious, but I never felt myself hit the floor.

Third pov

Sasuke was stunned and in a panic. Everyone was dead. His clan was dead! How? Why?! Who did this!? He gasped running pass the dead bodies of his clan members.

"Kaa-san! Tou-san!! Nii-san!!!" He ran with all his might. They had to make it. No one was stronger than his family! No one!

He slammed his door open. Not here. He ran into the kitchen where his parents usually are. In the kitchen and on the porch behind it. Not there. He ran upstairs checking his tou-san's office. Not there. He ran to Itachi's room. Not there. He ran back downstairs doing to the other side of the house where clan meetings with elders are held.

He slammed the door opened and they were there...dead.

"Kaa...san...Tou...san..." Sasuke chocked up. Not knowing what to do, how to react. Then he saw it a sharingan in the dark.

"Nii-san! Kaa-san and Tou-san! They're-" Sasuke chocked on his words seeing the bloodied weapon I his aniki's hands. "Naze...?" He whimpered but not sure he wanted the answer.

"Why you ask...? So I can test my strengths." Itachi gave a cold reply hiding himself in the dark so his tears remain hidden.

It must be done. For him. For them...

His sharingan flashed and he showed Sasuke how he killed everyone in the clan mercilessly. By the time Sasuke was out of the genjutsu he was on his knees sobbing before he threw up before he fully escaped the genjutsu.

Scared out of his mind he stood up and ran. Itachi let him, then he followed.

"Foolish little brother..." was all Sasuke heard before he was hit to the floor. "You're weak. If you ever hope to defeat me gain these eyes." He flashed his new eyes again staring down Sasuke as if he was a pebble in his path "That's right cower in fear...cling to your worthless life! Only when you have these eyes can you hope to defeat me." Sasuke trembled listening to every word

"Ane...Aneki will be so disappointed in you!! She'll hate you!!" He mustered up the courage to yell. Itachi froze for a second before he stood to his full height.

"Ah...maybe I should pay her a visit now too..."

"NO!!" Sasuke paled more than he had before.

"Then grow stronger! To the point that if I ever see either of you again. She won't be my next target." This made Sasuke grit his teeth and glare up at his once caring brother.

Itachi turned to leave but stopped to add salt to the wound.

"Perhaps I should still visit...She'll be a threat in the future..."

"Don't you dare touch her!!" Rational sense left Sasuke as he made a mad dash towards Itachi.

Itachi dodged to the side and before Sasuke knew it he was hit and knocked out cold landing on the floor, tears still streaming down his face. Itachi stood still body unmoving before he turned, eyes squeezed shut.

Forgive me, Sasuke. Megumi...then he was gone.

Megumi pov

"ITACHI!!" I shot up gasping and sweating. Was I not breathing? Why is my heart racing so much.

"Gummi!" I looked up and at my bedroom door was aniki looking at me in relief. "You're okay!" I teared up making aniki rush over to me.

"What happened?! Please tell me it's all a nightmare! Please!!" I sniffed hoping not to cry but the sad look in aniki's eyes told me it wasn't and there was more.

"Megumi...you've been out for hours, under a genjutsu none of us could break. And...two hours ago, the Uchiha clan was massacred." I gaped an incomprehensible noise leaving my mouth.


"Everyone in the Uchiha clan was killed...by Itachi." Everyone!? Even...

I let the tears fall as I gripped the sheets tightly.

"Gomen...but, Sasuke. Sasuke is alive!" Aniki rushed out. My head shot up to look at his unmasked face.

"Sasuke...Sasuke is...?"

"Hai. I'd rather you not leave incase Itachi comes after you but...he needs you. Stay the night with him." Aniki kissed my forehead "Be careful. You know how to summon me." He threw a small scroll at me. I took it and scrambled out of bed.


"MOVE!!" I shoved the ANBU out of my way slamming the door opened. If they think they can keep me out they're in for a hell of a fight! I instantly located Sasuke, his eyes were dull black staring at his bedsheets. "SASUKE!!" His head snapped up to meet mine.

"Ane....Aneki..." his body trembled and the closer I got to him the more I saw just how much it trembled. He lifted his hands. "Anee!!" He didn't finish as he began to fully cry.

I reached back for him, climbing into bed and hugging him to me. He wept on my chest. Soft but loud. And I joined. We sat there crying for at least an hour before our tears dried and Sasuke had fallen asleep. I sighed laying us down.

I pulled the covers over us hugging him close to my chest as I looked down at him. Sasuke snuggled closer to me his grip on my shirt tight, he was clenching his fist in his sleep. I did try to loosen his hold but he began to fuss and cry again so I left him. I wiped away the dry tears in his eyes kissing the top of his forehead.

"Don't worry...I've got you..."

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