[34] Zabuza's Entry

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Megumi pov

Aniki chuckled ruffling my hair.

"Gomen, thought if I brought you we could slack off together."

"If this is a B or worse an A rank then we aren't ready for these kinds of missions yet!" Sakura stepped forward worry evident on her face. "Let's quit! We still need medicine for Naruto's wounds so we should go back to the village and take him to a doctor!" she ranted.

"Ah... this might be too much for you after all. We do need to treat Naruto." Aniki pondered.

"Then, go without me." Sakura shrieked in shock " If we all leave this old man will surely die. That counts as a failed mission on our part, even if he failed to give certain information. It'll still look bad." I hummed then I saw the looks of the boys eyes.

They definitely don't want to leave. I almost chuckled.

"Of course that is only if you all aren't staying." I shrugged. Out of nowhere Naruto stabbed his hand directly into his cuts

"Naruto what are you doing?!" Sakura shrieked making me flinch slightly.

"With this kunai...I'll protect this old man! We're continuing the mission!" he declared. We all stood in silence for some moments before aniki sighed.

"Good going releasing the poison but...you'll bleed to death if you don't stop the bleeding." he broadly stated. Another moment of silence. I saw Sasuke sneakily started counting down from 5, and like he predicted, Naruto began to freak out.

"Ahh! NOO!! THAT'S BAD! I CAN'T DIE FROM SOMETHING LIKE THIS!! ANEEEE!!!" He wailed running around in circles. 

"Then stay still, baka!!" I hit him one solid punch on his head halting his movements in front of me. I sighed and got the things I needed out. I quickly cleaned up the blood and went to wrap his hands when I saw his cuts already healing.

"Am I going to die..? Why are you looking at me like that..? Anee-"

"Ahh! Stop whining and let her finish dobe! She wouldn't let you die!" Sasuke huffed rolling his eyes. I chuckled and continued wrapping the bandages.

"There, all done. It'll hurt for some time since I didn't heal it."

"Aww, why not?"

"Punishment for pulling a stunt like that. and 2, I still suck at healing." I smiled kissing the bandages.

"Right. Let's go." nodding we followed after Tazuna and aniki.


We were currently sitting on a boat heading to the wave by water, using the mist as coverage as one of the villagers quietly rode us though the water. After some moments of silence we saw a bridge

"Woahh!! It's huge!!" Naruto awed getting shushed by the man. I chuckled as he folded his arms pouting.

"Tazuna." I called out "Now would be a good time to explain, otherwise despite what they want. I will send them back." he nodded 

"I understand. You see, a dangerous man is after my life. You've probably heard his name before, Gato. He's a wealthy shipping magnate."

"Gatou huh..? He's said to be the world's few extremely wealthy people from Gato company." I hummed I knew this information as well but it looks like Gato was a shady man.

"Hai. Officially he runs a large  shipping company but secretly he sells drugs and other illegal items using ninja and gang members to do his dirty work. He's a nasty man." ahh, right on the money. 

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