[29] Unspoken Brothers

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Third pov

Sasuke's eyes shot opened and he coughed chocking on water. His body got pushed to the side and he threw up the water in his lungs. Once he was done violently coughing he sat up only to be roughly grabbed and turned to face a soaking wet, angry Naruto.

"Are you out of your mind!? What were you thinking jumping into the lake when you cannot swim!?" Naruto all but yelled shaking the last Uchiha in the village roughly.

"You...you pulled me out?" The disbelieving look on Naruto's face would have been funny in any other situation. Was Sasuke really the top of the class cause his question and actions were downright questionable.

"Duh, teme!" Naruto rolled his eyes missing the anger that began to burn in Sasuke's own but he pushed him away that was surprising to the blonde.

"You..! Why would you do that!? I never asked you too!" Sasuke yelled face contorted in anger to the utter disbelief of Naruto.

"Are you stupid!? Why would I leave you to die!?" Naruto yelled back now on his knees as he held up a fist ready to punch some sense into the Uchiha.

"You should have! The hell do you care if I die!?" Sasuke shouted again his anger shifting more to annoyance.

"Ha!? What's that supposed to mean!?" Naruro grew tic marks on his head. What was this Uchiha implying?! Is he looking for a fight!?

"It's not like you'd understand anyway!!" Sasuke scoffed dropping back onto his butt and folding his arms his classic pout, which he thought a glare, on his face as he looked away from Naruto.

"Then tell me so I can!"

"No! Cause even if I tell you, you've never had a family so you won't understand!!" That hurt Naruto and he took offense. Okay he didn't have his parents anymore but he still definitely had family.

They still had family.

"So you were gonna kill yourself and leave nee-chan alone, you know since she's not your family?" Sasuke froze his angered expression turning to shock.


"Teme! If you killed yourself while she's gone and she comes back to hear what you did how to you think she'll feel!? Baka! Thinking about yourself alone! What about aneki! Ah, and I thought you loved her? Guess you didn't see her as family after all." Naruto shook his head arms folded as he looked down seemingly disappointed.

"Nani!? Of course I do!! Of course I consider her family!" Sasuke denied feverishly. Did Naruto forget he was there first!?

"You don't if this is what you wanted to do to yourself!!" Naruto yelled back hitting him on his head. Finally he really wanted to do that. Sasuke let it happen lost in thought.

The sight of Megumi crying flashed through his mind. Her on her knees bawling her eyes out in front of one more grave added to the Uchiha graves, her unable to be smiling because of what he did and he frowned. He doesn't want her to cry. He likes her smiles and laughs better. The only time she's allowed to cry is out of joy.

"Gomen..."  Sasuke resigned. He suppose leaving here now was bad, especially since he was leaving Megumi with Naruto who for sure can't protect their aneki from anything.

"No, no! Go on jump back in. This just gives me the chance to be with aneki all the time without you being in the way." Naruto huffed shrugging with sarcasm and teasing within his tone. Sasuke was annoyed and scowled.

"Naruto...." he seethed at the blonde, body shaking.

"Sasuke?" Naruro grinned secretly glad he got to Uchiha back to his senses.

"Dobe!" Sasuke clicked his tongue and looked away. Tic mark once again formed on Naruto's head.

"Teme! I save you and this is the-"

"What are you two doing down there?" Naruto paused interrupt by the voice. The boys looked up seeing Kakashi with a book in hand, staring down at the two wet boys. He sighed "Come on. It's almost dinner time. You're both eating with me tonight remember?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Ohh! I almost forgot!" Naruto laughed shooting to his feet. He then held his hand out to Sasuke "Come on Teme! Kaka-nii is making curry tonight!" Sasuke hummed taking the hand.

The two ran up to Kakashi following behind him.

"Naruto...Arigatou..." Sasuke whispered.

"You can thank me by never doing that stupid thing again!" He huffed.

"Dobe. I'm smarter than you!"

"Not at this moment you're not!" Naruto huffed. Kakashi smiled behind his mask amused. He didn't know what they were talking about but this was amusing.

And I didn't do it for you. I hate it, when she's sad.... Naruto kept that thought to himself.


"Ha! You got yourself sick!" Naruto snickered from besides Sasuke in class.

"Shut up..." Sasuke groaned head on the desk. Naruto hummed before he pulled out a pack and passed it to Sasuke.

"Ane used this when I was sick. She rubs it on my chest. She's still gone so I took it from my room. I have a lot since it was only once I ever got sick! Yeah, I'm that awesome, dattbayo!" Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto's cheeky grin.

Nonetheless, he opened the lid and rubbed a bit on his chest. The scent wasn't too strong it was almost unnoticeable, almost since Sasuke Naruto and Kiba could smell it.

"Put some on your head too. That way you won't fall asleep during class!" Naruro grinned. Sasuke listened without much thought.

Instead of staying awake though Sasuke ended up actually sleeping halfway through class. Naruto snickered taking back his ointment.

"Hehe, I gave you the one that knocks you out faster! Teme being stupid and coming to class when he's sick." Naruto mumbled rolling his eyes.


It's lunch time now and the class was noisy. So much so that Sasuke woke up looking as disgruntled as ever. However, his fangirls loved the new look and squealed some even fainted.

"Oi, teme!" Sasuke glared at the sound of Naruto's voice. He wasn't in the mood for this!

"Nani?" His voice was raspy and a bottle water was thrown at him. Sasuke looked up at Naruto who somehow had a bowl of ramen in his hands.

"Kaka-nii showed up. Tsk. Why do you get ramen and not me..." Naruto passed Sasuke the bowl then sat down pouting.

"I don't need your help!" Sasuke scowled which wasn't the best idea with the headache he was spouting. Luckily he was a master at his blank face so no one would know he internally grimaced.

"Yeah yeah. I'm not helping. Nii-san just gave me something to give you so I did." With that Naruto got up and left the classroom probably to pull some pranks.

Sighing Sasuke set to eating the ramen. But it was actually normal soup. He blinked confused until he found a small note at the bottom of the bowl.

'Naruto insisted I make you soup. So I did. Eat slowly to not upset your stomach'

Sasuke huffed. Dobe was looking out for him and denying it. Tch. A warm feeling entered Sasuke. One he didn't want to dwell on.

I'll accept this once. It was my fault for being sick! Tch. I'll grow stronger so no one will have to look out for me again. Then I'll kill Itachi before he can lay a hand on Megumi-nee.

With his resolve Sasuke ate the soup unknowing that Naruto was watching him from the tree outside the classroom window. Said blonde nodded arms folded.

"Good. He's eating it. Better be, or I'd have told Mei-neechan."

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