[53] Unexpected reunions

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Third pov

The third's funeral and ended and the village was busy being rebuilt. Megumi provided as much wood as she could helping around with many clones to move things faster as did any other ninja not on missions to make the other nations think everything was normal. 

Grief still hung in the air around those that felt not just the third's loss but had their family taken from them also. Megumi had asked Kakashi to call a clan meeting allowed to do so since she did represent two clans - three but Kakashi was alive and he was the head, he just made her go because he didn't like too.

Their meeting was brief and had to have the council of the Hokage in it but it was so one of the heads can do the Hokage work until the fifth was chosen and appointed Hokage.

"Why don't you do it, Megumi-san? You've been beside Hokage-sama a lot more than we have I am sure you know what goes where and with whom." Nara Shikaku, Shikamaru's father suggested some agreed, others did not. Those that didn't agree with the suggestion wasn't because they didn't believe she couldn't do it. But that she shouldn't.

Even if it was a temporary position the job of Hokage was a heavy burden on any. And not everyone was suitable for the position no matter how skilled or knowledgeable they were – like Danzo.

"Will you be by my side guiding me then?" Shukaku blinked

"Huh? Me?" Megumi smirked knowing his thought process well. He was just as lazy as his son and extra work, especially paperwork he would not want to do.

"Yes you, or better yet with your mind you can surely hold the village together until we find a replacement." Megumi was greatly amused by the devastation written so plainly on the Nara's clan leader face.

"Do you have someone in mind child?" Danzo spoke up. Megumi had caught his eye from the moment she became Orochimaru's biggest success. Unfortunately Minato got her first. He supposed it worked out well in his favor as well. She was close to both the Uchiha and the village jinchuriki she had perfect control over them.

Now if he can just get her under his wing...

"I do. It was the reason for the meeting. I was told you chose Jiraiya-san, but he doesn't want it."

"Mm. He declined instantly." The only woman in the council of the third Hokage sighed. Megumi couldn't remember her name.

"I believe he did the right thing."

"How so? He's one of the legendary sannin who else would be suitable for the position?" The last council member. Another name Megumi ceased to remember

"My sources say Jiraiya-san is an info broker and spy for Konoha. Placing him as Hokage will limit the information on our enemies and allies alike, as he maybe the only person to get said information without drawing unwanted attention to himself."

"Ah. You're right child. Then, I am to assume the other candidate you see fit is the last member of the sannin?" Danzo smirked. Megumi truly was something spectacular in his eyes.

"Hai. Senju Tsunade. Jiraiya-san saw her as the perfect candidate for fifth Hokage. And though we may not know where she is, he pledged to get her back. I believe he can do it."

"Alright. If Jiraiya-sama managers to get Tsunade-sama here and she agrees to be the fifth. I see no problem with it. In fact we may benefit greatly from it as another Senju will once again hold the seat." Shukaku nodded seeing the pros of having Tsunade back.

"Additionally Konoha will have gotten their best and strongest medical ninja back. The hospital could really use her right now. And she can assist in bringing up more medical ninjas. Strong and better ones. Not that the ones we already have are not good but with Tsunade back, they'll be even better and the generation after as well."

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