[46] Time to rest

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Third pov

"The byakugan?" Neji and Sasuke was shocked to see the veins around Megumi's eyes when she stepped into the light. 

"Neji was that...?" Tenten was still in disbelief. 

"Hai. But...how...?" he knew he'd have to ask her. Once she calms down of course. He was not stepping off this branch until he knew he won't be blasted from a stray attack. Team 10 thought the same watching with newfound fear and respect for the teen Naruto claimed his sister.

They all just watched their sensei's goddaughter disappear from sight and reappear in front of Dosu, greeting him with a fist to this face sending him buried into the second tree after he catapulted into the first one. Kin tried to distract Megumi so she could run but all she managed to do was lift her hand before a foot connected with the right side of her face.

She slammed so hard into the ground that dirt picked up and her brain rattled. Megumi wasn't done however,  because when Kin's head bounced off the ground the girl threw up as she got a hard kick to her stomach that sent her airborne, through a tree and then out of sight. 

Megumi looked down at the last sound ninja at her feet and picked him up by his face. She stared at him examining the damage Sasuke did. Low key she was proud and impressed. 

"Ahh~ you're unconscious...how lucky for you." still the grip she had on Zaku's face tightened  as she narrowed her eyes in the direction she felt the other two's chakra. Megumi then proceeded to do a spin as she rag dolled Zaku's body to his teammates some where out of her sight.

I'll never try to get her angry!! The genins mentally wept the same thought.

Megumi turned around heading to Sasuke and Sakura, her aura way too calm for the gennins around her.

"She...she's scary." Ino whined softly preying not to be heard.

She's not just scary, she's powerful! How troublesome it would have been if she was doing this exam too... Shikamaru couldn't help his sigh of relief. 

"Hey Sasu..." Sasuke reached out gently tracing the veins on Megumi's eyes right before they disappeared. She offered him a gentle smile, her KI and intense aura gone "Are you okay?"

"What happened to...?" Megumi hummed taking his trembling hand in hers and gently messaging it 

"I'm not fully sure myself but I have an idea. The mark pushed your body passed its limits for some time so, when the adrenaline wore off your body shut down again slightly. You need to rest now." Megumi looked a bit behind her. "Ino, Shikamaru or Chouji. Bring Lee to me." the team froze for a second before they did as told.

Ino brought Lee over to Megumi as the two boys went to Naruto. Megumi smiled at her friend

"Hey Lee, How you holding up?" he gave a weak smile and a shaky thumbs up 

"When my gem is here I'll always feel great!" he weakly grinned ignoring the glare Sasuke and Neji shot him.

"Hehe, come 'ere." Megumi stood up placing her hands on his ears making it look like she was cupping his face. Sasuke didn't like it. Neji did not like it! "Gomen ne Lee. My chakra didn't fully recover so that's all I can do for now." Lee flashed her a smile 

"No worries! Arigatou, Mei-chan!" Megumi sat herself back on the floor 

"I'm tired..." she flinched covering her eyes, yeah they hurt like a bitch threw salt in them then tried washing it out with soap. "Where's Naruto?" 

"Knocked out still." Megumi went to stand when Sasuke grabbed her hand knowing what she was thinking. She was tired and despite this she was still fussing over them... and maybe he didn't want her to leave his side yet. 

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