[5] Walk to me

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Third pov

"Come on Mei-chan, you can do it! That's right come to baa-chan!" Kushina held out her hands eyes twinkling as she stooped waiting for Megumi.

"Aabbaa!!" Megumi laughed leaving the couch she stood in front of and began wobbling towards her red headed baachan

"Ho~! You can do it!" Minato stood behind his wife eyes sparkling as he watched Megumi's attempt at walking towards Kushina.

"Aabaa!!" She squealed making it five steps before she leaned back falling onto her buttom. Megumi blinked surprised by action as Kushina and Minato laughed.

"Minato, how about you stand behind her? She will learn to walk before Kakashi returns!" Kushina set a goal.

"Ahah. Alright." Doing as asked Minato lifted Megumi in his arms she stared up at him with her faded blue eyes. If he hadn't known better he'd have said she was blind but she could see very well.

Since they were having a mini stare down Minato squinted as if staring at an enemy. Megumi mimicked him only for him to make a funny face. She broke, giggling loudly at the faces he was making. Kushina watched happily swooning at the thought of one day having her own child and watching Minato do this all over again but this time their child will have a great sister figure beside them, Megumi!

After having his laugh with Megumi, Minato stooped to gently set her on her feet again. He held her tiny hands with one of his fingers and they began to slowly walk around. Once halfway to Kushina again he gently let go of her hands letting her continue on by herself.

Megumi continued on her path to Kushina stopping a few times to regain her balance as she was wobbling to the point of falling, and finally! After who knows how long, as none of them kept track of time, she fell into Kushina's arms.

"Yatta!!" Kushina lifted Megumi in the air "You did it Mei-chan! You walked! Ohh! Kakashi is going to be so happy when you walk toward him! I bet he'll be frozen in shock!!" She cheered.

"Good job Megumi-chan." Minato ruffled the her hair softly earning giggles as she attempted to hold onto his hand atop her head. A last, it was no good as her tiny baby hands didn't even reach above her head.

That and Kushina pulled away from the blonde to snuggle the chubby cheeks of Megumi whose face got squished with hers. Minato laughed.


Yawning Kakashi dropped himself on his bed. He had yet to change out of his mission clothes from his ANBU mission but he was tired.

"Ahh...that mission took longer than I wanted it to..." he sulked a dark aura coming over him "Well, it's over now..." he trailed off falling asleep.

A minute passed before his bloodshot eyes snapped opened and he shot up onto his feet.

"Megumi!" He checked the time relaxing slightly once he realized it was too early to go for her. No doubt Minato would be awake, maybe Kushina but  Megumi was certainly asleep. It was only 5 am after all. "I suppose I can go for her later..."

With that in mind Kakashi got back in bed just to crawl out once again "I need to bathe..."

He got his clothes heading into his shower to wash all the scent of blood off of him. If not Megumi would refuse to come near him. Her nose was even more sensitive than his. After his bath Kakashi decided to sleep with his mask off using his sheet to cover his face instead. Thoughts settled on his baby sister and he fell asleep.


Once again Kakashi awoke, this time to the sun in his eyes. Glancing at the clock on his night stand he found that he had slept longer than intended. It was already 10 o'clock. Humming he got up switched his shirt for the one where his mask blended in nicely with it, switched his sleeping shorts for his baggy ninja ones and placed his ninja sandals on.

He made quick breakfast, eating his rice porridge so fast it was like he was on a mission. It's been two weeks since he's seen Megumi and for some reason anticipation was building up in him. Something was going to happen, he knew it and he hoped it was all good.

Otherwise, someone is going to die. His eyes darkened for that split second his sharingan eye swirling with his emotions before it stopped and the dark look vanished. Leaving behind a bit of porridge for Megumi he washed his dishes, covered his eye with his headband then proceeded to try and leave to head for Megumi. Keyword.


Standing outside the door was none other than Guy smiling widely and full of 'youthful' energy. He flashed Kakashi his pearly whites in a wide smile as he struck a pose

"My youthful rival! Today our challenge shall be 1000 push ups! And our judge shall be Megumi-chan! Let us go retrieve her!!" As he spoke his poses shifted into other forms his last pose pointing in the direction of where Kushina stayed when she was with Megumi.

How is it he always knows when I'm back from a mission? I don't even tell him... Kakashi stared at Guy exhausted from just looking at him. He sighed just deciding to go along with it anyway.

Together they walked through the streets heading to the Hokage tower. Kakashi knew they were there at the moment, he didn't mind. It made things easier since not everyone was allowed into the forth Hokage home. He may have been allowed but Guy wasn't and he didn't want to go through the trouble of explaining anything right now.

They walked up the stairs and the feeling of anticipation increased in Kakashi. He played it off with a blank look but his eyes were on guard. He knocked and upon receiving his answer he opened the door.

"Stay right where you are!" The boys froze in their spots once they closed the door. Kushina stood beside Minato, who sweat dropped, with her hands placed on her hips. Megumi was playing with her teddy bear sitting in front of the desk, only a few steps away from them "Now say 'walk to me!'" Kushina smiled seeming smug.

"Eh?" That was all a confused Kakashi could muster. Megumi is only six months old, isn't it too early for her to be walking?

"Don't question it! Call her name and say it!!" Kushina demanded pointing at Kakashi and daring him not to obey with her hair splitting into nine paths with her eyes glinting red.

"Ha-Hai!" Kakashi sweated nervously. Man was this woman scary. "Megumi..." upon hearing her name she looked toward him. Seeing her aniki Megumi dropped the bear instantly and began to excitedly crawl her way to him

"Aaaa-eeii!!" She squealed picking up her pace. Kakashi smiled.

"Walk to me." He uttered the words wondering if she really can. Megumi stopped crawling staring at him for a bit before she looked to her hands. She dropped herself onto her butt, proceeding to push herself up into a stand.

Kakashi and Guy's eyes widened. Kakashi himself dropped to better reach her height and catch her incase she fell. His eyes never left Megumi as behind her Kushina stood proud of her handy work.

Good job Megumi!

Everyone watched as she wobbled while walking her way to her aniki making it to him without falling once. As soon as she was in arms reach, he scooped her up hugging her tightly to his chest, the hug was returned as best as possible.

"Aha, you learned to walk without me? Just to surprise me huh?" He pulled back smiling his closed eye smile that made Megumi light up in happiness "I can't even be sad about it. Good job Megumi."

"Aayyii!!" She cheered arms raised to be lifted, which she was and she hugged Kakashi's face. He cuddled back into her.

"You both are so precious!" Kakashi looked up to see a teary eyed Kushina with a full blown, tears, snot and all the works, Guy crying next to her. Minato and Kakashi sweat dropped at the teen.

"That's gross, Guy. Stop crying like that." Kakashi sighed causing his sensei and imotou to laugh. Although she was only laughing at Guys crying face. "Well, at least she finds it funny." He chuckled quietly watching Megumi laugh at his friend's ugly crying face.

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