[4] Work

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Third pov

"Ah ~ this is going to take a while to clean." Uzumaki Kushina, wife of the fourth Hokage stood in the hallway of Kakashi's house staring into a dust-filled room.

"Yes! And with the power of youth, we shall succeed!" Guy yelled from all the way into the living room with a squeal accompanying him afterward.

"Guy, stop yelling." Kakashi sighed.

It's already been a month with Megumi and today, and because she felt like it, Kushina decided she wanted to visit Kakashi and her god-daughter. When she got there the two were already awake and eating breakfast but Kushina wasn't happy with the lack of baby things in the house, so she left them and came back with lots of baby items.

She brought an excess amount of baby clothes and toys, and just general things to have around the house when there's a baby in it. Like a walker, a stroller, another baby carrier for Kakashi, a high chair, blankets to place on the beds, and couch, fluffy pillows, and more baby formula.

Then when she asked Kakashi where her room was he told her that they shared one so she decided to clean Kakashi's father's old study and remodel it into a baby room.

"Kushina-san, I really don't think you have to. I'd rather Megumi stay in the same room as me." Kakashi sighed for the twelfth time that day.

"And I understand that, hence why the crib will be in the room with you! But~ that room is too small to hold both your bed and her crib so I'm moving you both! When she gets older then we'll remodel again and place her in the old room, which will now be hers until she moves out." Kushina nodded satisfied with how far ahead she thought.

"I see.. Then I'll start cleaning, please watch Megumi for me by the time Kushina-san." Said red-haired woman nodded and bolted straight for the silver-haired baby. Without a moment to lose, she began to play with her.

"I shall assist you!" Guy popped up holding other cleaning supplies. Kakashi nodded and they moved into the room.

"So, how old is Megumi-chan?"

"A month, two weeks, and four days old."

"You kept track of the days too?" Guy sweated dropped.

"Yeah. While I was watching her I thought she was only four days but it turns out she was already two weeks old. She's just a tiny chubby baby."

"That she is! And adorable too!"

"Yeah, that too." Kakashi shook his head continuing to sweep.


After two hours the boys managed to clear out the entire room, minus the bookshelf that Kakashi knew he wanted to keep there.

"What's the next step, Kushina-san?" Kakashi walked into the kitchen finding Kushina cooking and feeding Megumi simultaneously.

She can already do that? She's not even a mother yet! Kakashi blanched. Not even he could do that, he always had to do one before the other.

"Oh? Is the room cleared out?" She turned to look at him.


"Then think of a place to put the crib, afterward you can bring your bed in to be on the opposite side of where you placed the crib. Think carefully you still need to be able to easily move about and get your other things without everything being too jumbled together." Kakashi nodded and went back to work.

While he was talking to Kushina Guy was attempting to build the crib. He barely succeeded even with instructions. Luckily for him, Kakashi had already gone through the instructions and knew what to do. With Kakashi guiding Guy they managed to finish building the crib within a half-hour of starting it.

Looking around the room Kakashi ruled out the places he didn't want the crib to be. Not by the window and not by the door. Giving the room a once over again he imaged where he'd place his bed and where the crib would be. Nodding he and Guy moved the Crib close to the corner of the room. Then they brought the bed in placing it in the middle of the room where the crib would be at the bottom of the bed.

Once those two were in place they brought the rest of the things from the other room over. In mid setup, Kushina called them in to eat lunch. They listened immediately not ones to argue when it comes to food- and because they valued their existence.

Kushina passed Megumi to Kakashi. He took her earning a smile from the tiny baby as she chewed happily on her hands. Drooling everywhere on herself.

"Consider this practice! You probably know very well how to multitask while on a mission. However, you have zero reflexes." This confused Kakashi. Last time he checked he had decent reflexes.

"I.. don't understand.." he voiced his confusion as he took a seat waiting to hear what the redhead had to say.

"What I meant was with Megumi in your arms. As a baby she squirms and moves around a lot, this can cause her to knock into things. And that is where reflexes come in. You can react to catch it in time but can you still hold onto her properly while doing so? You have to be hyper-aware of her, is she okay? Did she hurt herself? Did you drop her?" Kakashi nodded listening intently at everything she had to say to him

"Kushina-san, will you watch Megumi for me when I'm on missions?" Kakashi asked as he realized he still had to go on missions to earn money.

"Of course you didn't even have to ask me that! I'll watch over her anytime!" Kushina smiled 

"Me too!!" Guy added only to be ignored

"Thank you Kushina-san." Kushina smiled and they all went back to eating. 

Kakashi tried to eat and feed Megumi simultaneously, which he was failing at and making a lot of mess, not that Megumi minded. In fact, she seemed to be laughing at his failures as was Kushina and Guy, who tried to make him feel better but that did not happen. Reluctantly, Kakashi gave Guy a chance to hold Megumi and the two of them made an even bigger mess. 

Amused at the teens antics Kushina helped both boys feed Megumi properly while they ate and afterward gave a demonstration by eating, holding Megumi in her arm, and feeding her with that same arm. 

"You will be a great mother one day!" Guy exclaimed with both thumbs up and a sparkle in his eyes. Kakashi nodded silently agreeing.

"Thank you for you help, Kushina-san" Kakashi bowed to the redhead as she was leaving.

"No problem Kakashi. I'm always here if you need more help." She smiled playing with Megumi's cheek.

"Pffbbtt!!" Kushina laughed as Megumi babbled blowing spit bubbles at her then giggling about it.

"Get plenty of rest you two. I'll see you soon!" She smiled waving as she left them.

"Alright, you heard her, time for bed..." Kakashi sighed tiredly as he closed the door going to get them both ready for bed.


I don't know bout you but...I'd have loved for Kushina to be my mother!! We'd gossip about everything! And throw tantrums over the same things! Like Minato not coming home in time for dinner haha.

On another note... what personality traits did you love the most out of Kushina? For me it was definitely her verbal tic when she got excited about something.

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