[20] In the academy & scolding ji-ji

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Megumi pov

"Are you excited?" Kurenai asked as she and Asuma walked me to school.

"Hai. I get to meet kids my age." 

"Don't cause trouble okay?" I gave Asuma an offended look

"I don't give trouble."

"You know what I mean." he chuckled

"I don't" I pouted making Kurenai laugh a bit.

"He means to be safe, and watch your strength. Not all of the kids in class began training early, so you're slightly stronger than they are."

"I know. nii-san told me, and Tachi-niisan too." They nodded

"Good. Now have fun. After school, don't forget to visit Hokage-sama." I nodded

"I remember."

"Right, what else..." Kurenai smirked opening her arms " I want my hug. And since Kakashi isn't here you have to hug me for him too!" I smiled running back to one of the two women in my life.

"Alright! Off you go." Asuma pushed me forward leaving me to enter the academy on my own.

When I entered my class it was filled with girls only. That sucks. I took a random seat by the window hoping to get extra breeze from it.

"Hi!" I turned seeing a girl with brown hair in twin buns "I'm Tenten, I don't remember seeing you earlier..." I smiled

"I'm Hatake Megumi. I came late so I was at the back with some of the boys."


"Is it common to be separated from the boys?"

"Yep! Then, those of us that want to be ninjas will join classes with the boys that want to be ninjas too."

"Ohh" my eyes sparkled "That's awesome!" I grinned she nodded now taking the seat next to me

"I know!" We kept talking quickly becoming friends.

Her goal was to be as strong as the Sannin Tsunade. And I told her mine was temporary since I didn't have an end goal yet. It was to simply be stronger than those around me so I can protect them. I'm completely fine with that being my overall goal though.

Our sensei came in quieting everyone's talking. She introduced herself as Umi sensei. After introducing ourselves we went outside to a flower field...why? I sat in the flower field enjoying the breeze but unimpressed.

"Sensei, aren't we going to train to be konoichi?" I asked going up to her.

"Of course we will but the first week is to get a feel for the academy and learn things. You'll get to try out training later." She smiled kindly down at me.

"Hai..." I walked away disappointed.

I should have stayed with Guy-jisan and train... I thought laying on the flowers. This is nice though...


It's lunch time now and this is where the classes for boys and girls meet. This is probably the best part of the day. Why? Cause I get to meet some of the boys too. Actually only one caught my attention. He seemed quiet, like he won't talk to anyone. He looked like a Hyuuga too.  I wonder...

I began my search for the boy. I found him behind the school throwing kunai at his targets.

"I know you're there. Come out." He spun around showing me his clans eyes.

"I wasn't hiding. Can I practice too?"

"Aren't you too young?" The viens on his eyes disappeared.

"We are the same age." I gave him a blank stare.

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